Chapter 50

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Sorry for taking so long my loves. My dad ended up in the hospital. Was a busy while. But now here is chapter 50!

Enjoy! Two more chapters left I believe 😭😁😝💕 Have at it lol

Love you all!



The wedding.

The fucking wedding. Oh my god! Shit!

Harry bolts up right, sweat drenched, Darcy lightly stirring beside him in between him and Louis, who by the way is not next to him anymore.

"Lou?" he slowly sits up and checks the clock beside him, 9am. He sighs and runs his hand through his curls and then furrows his brows as he hears a lot of talking and laughing from downstairs

He climbs out of the bed, slips on a shirt and then picks up Darcy. He walks slowly to her room and lies her down in her crib, then slowly walks out closing the door with the baby monitor clutched in hand. He smiles wide when he recognizes the voices

"...and he just accepted again. I'm really glad he did. Can't live without him. Or Darcy now." he grins and makes it into the kitchen, all eyes turn to him once he enters

"Harry! Oh son, come here love." he smiles wide and goes to squeeze Jay and Dan in a huge hug. Then Robin and his own mother

"What are you all doing here so early?" Dan shrugs and points to Louis

"Louis here asked us to come by your place earlier than expected." Louis grins and stretches a hand towards Harry, who takes it and grins as well. He kisses his cheeks

"Morning love. I called them to come over so that they can actually witness a proper proposal." Harry raises a brow and watches with wide eyes as Louis bends down on one knee

"What?" the blue eyed lad grins up at him

"Can't just live with the machine ring proposal for the rest of our lives now can we?" Harry pouts cutely as he places the baby monitor on the counter

"But I loved that proposal. It was so you, and me. Teenage love-"

"Harry, i'm proposing for real now. Look at me love." the curly headed lad closes his lips and watches as Louis pulls out a small white box and opens it in front of him

"How did you- I had that hidden. Were you going through my things Tomlinson." Louis shrugs and takes the ring out of the box

"What's mine is yours and what's yours is mine now, right? Also, I've known you for five years love. Don't you think i'd know your hiding places by now. And by the way, love your new collection of lingerie." Harry blushes and impatiently bounces on the balls of his feet, Louis can feel the nervous sweat in his hands

"Shut up Lou. Go on." Robin and Dan laugh as Louis rolls his eyes and grabs Harry's left hand

"Harry Edward Styles. I've loved you from the moment I met you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. And with Darcy. I can't wait for our lives to combine and create something even more beautiful than these past five years. Will you please, marry me?" Harry sniffles and slaps his arm lightly

"Idiot. Yes, now put my ring back on. I've missed it." the blue eyed lad slips the ring on with a chuckle, kisses Harry's hand, and then stands up to kiss his lips lightly

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