Chapter 35

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Sorry I took a long time to update my loves. It's been a really rough day. I hope you enjoy this chapter though!

Thank you to all of you!

Love you all!



"Off the plane, come on." Harry groaned sitting up from the comfortable couch and looked up at Zayn and Liam

"We're in Australia?" they nodded and gripped his arms getting him on his feet and started walking out the door

"Yep. You fell asleep earlier and staid that way for about a few hours. Don't worry, Niall was watching you so no one else came in. And now we have to go because Dr.Bradley is waiting in your hotel room with his equipment, and you sir need to be checked and so does baby bean." Paul guided them to their van and Louis saw from afar and raised his eyebrow

"Don't even think about it Louis. Leave Harry alone." he glared at Eleanor and released her grip on his arm and walked over to Paul as he closed the door of the van where Harry was in

"Why are they going in a different van?" Paul sighed looking at Louis and patted the car window signaling the driver to drive away

"They're taking Harry to his Hotel. He needs to rest." Louis furrowed his eyebrows and followed Paul as he started to walk towards Niall and his van

"What? We always stay in the same hotel, why are they separating us? Him and I aren't together anymore anyway." Paul sighed again opening the door for Louis that gave him a clear view of Niall texting and Eleanor popping her gum as she stared out the window

"It's way more than that now Louis. And you and I both know you'l try anything to see him anyway. Now get in. The Australia show starts in eight hours." he motioned for him to get inside and Louis knew he wasn't going to get anything else out of Paul so he sighed and climbed in sitting next to Niall and bumped his arm making him drop his phone

"What the hell Louis?" he smiled as Paul rolled his eyes and closed the door. Once the door was closed he looked down as Niall picked up his phone and saw Dave's name on it

"Louis, babe. Planner just texted me, Coldplay can't make it to the wedding." Louis waved her off and she scoffed typing away and he glared at Niall as he started texting away as well. He leaned in making goose bumps appear on Niall's neck

"What's going on Niall?" he shrugged him off and clicked his phone shut placing it inside his pocket quickly

"Louis. I am one of your best friends. So right now, as a best friend I advise you to back off." Louis scoffed rolling his eyes as well

"If you're my best friend you wouldn't be keeping secrets from me. I saw you texting Dave. Harry's bein taken to a different hotel from us with Zayn and Liam. What the hell is going on?" Niall ignored him and scooted away grabbing his earbuds and pressed play on his music

"He's not gonna tell you anything Lou. Niall sure knows how to keep a secret." Louis huffed and looked over at Eleanor crossing his arms

"Then i'm gonna find out myself. You just keep planning the wedding yea?"


"So, how's the baby Dr. Bradley?" Zayn and Liam were at each side of Harry's holding his hand as he watched Dr.Bradley move the wand over his gel covered bump

How Will I Survive *Larry Stylinson Fanfiction*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora