Chapter 1

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Okay, second try at a Larry fanfic and I am going to try my best at making it good enough for y'all :)

I'l try to make it good for you as I can, so bare with me.

Thank you for those who have taken their time to read it or just check it out, I really appreciate it

You can also check out my other Larry fic called "Take My Heart, It's Always Been Yours." And thanks to the ones who have already read it and voted and commented. It really means a lot!

Okay now here we go, 1st chapter :) love you all!



*Louis' POV*

The sun was blinding me as I slightly opened my eyes, I tried to get up but something was weighing me down. I sighed rubbing the gunk out of my eyes and blinked rapidly until everything was clear. I smiled wide due to last nights events of candles, roses, the smell of sex, and sore asses.

I looked down to see my mop of curls of a boyfriend draped across my bare chest snoring softly, his puffs of air hitting my neck causing a shiver to roll down my spine. I raised my hand and raked my fingers through his hair shaking them a bit

"Babe." I whispered and bent down pepper kissing his face. He squirmed and swatted away my arm

"Bug off Lou..." I chuckled as he huffed and face planted his face on my chest, his curls tickling my cheek

"Get up sleepy head, we have a free day with the boys today." I watched as he slowly moved groaning and then my eyes widened and a yelp escaped my lips

"Ow! Fuck sake was that for Harry?!" the green eyed boy smirked sleepily as he watched his boyfriend rub his sore now red nipple

"You know I hate when you wake me up early after good sex. Unless you wake me up with more sex." Louis rolled his eyes pouting

"I'm sorry, but its a free day with the boys today. And you didn't have to bite off me nipple as revenge." Harry laughed and bent down kissing my left nipple causing me to hiss

"I'm sorry boo. But now that we're even, good morning." he leaned in to capture my lips and I sighed into the kiss, my bruising nipple all but forgotten

"Good morning. So, what's on the agenda for our free day with the boys?" he groaned and sat up running his fingers through his hair

"I don't know but it's probably going to be ruined sooner or later." I slightly pouted as he stood up leaving the white sheets behind and exposing his pale beauty bare skin to walk to the shower and I followed him

"Yesterday was just a little misunderstanding, I fixed it." he rolled his eyes grabbing his toothbrush

"Yea but how many times can you fix it? And how many times will they allow you to fix it?" he squirted the minty toothpaste on the brush and began brushing his teeth

"Haz, its all in the contract. El is a part of this." I motioned between him and I and he scoffed brushing harder

"Baby, you know I love you." he looks up at me and he spits out sighing

"I love you too Lou. But it's all overwhelming. I'm sorry if I sound's know how much I hate the way they have us all 'in the closet' so to speak." he air quotes and I sigh circling my arms around his waist resting my chin on his back as he rinses up and closes the tap, both of us naked still

"I know but El is just a beard and she knows it's just a job. Besides its November." he looks at me through the mirror questioningly

"Yeah no shave November." He mumbles turning out of my hold towards the shower and I frown shaking my head

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