Chapter 6

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Number Two!


Love you all!!


*Louis' POV*

"One Direction!" we cheered and ran up the stairs, although I kept looking around for Harry who had gone off somewhere

I felt nervous as I helped Niall stand on the stage, his crutches not letting him walk right. After making sure he was good and kissing Rose on the cheek I walked over to stand by Zayn to the left and let Liam talk

"Has anyone seen the curly headed one? The curly lad? Where is he?" Liam looked around and Niall laughed

As Liam started talking, I was nervous without Harry with us. So I grabbed the award to hold onto something

"Right well, there's four of us now. Ehm I wanna say thank you to our staff, uh the label. Uh who else we thanking...manage-

"The fans!" I yelled out to him an he turned to me

"We're thanking the fans. We're straight up thanking the fans....I don't know where you are Harry...." he trailed off looking around and then soon he spotted him causing us all to turn in back of us to see Harry running towards us

"He's running! Here he goes. Cross the finish line! Oh! Yyess!" Harry ran his fingers through his hair making his way to the stage making me smile like an idiot. I felt much better so I sat the award back down on the table as Liam handed him the microphone

"Here, now you talk." he was running out of breath but took the mice. I smiled upwards, I have the worlds most cutest idiot of a boyfriend

"I'm really sorry, I was having a wee....The toilets are ages away." I shook my head trying to hide my grin

"Um....what did we win?" he asked breathlessly looking our way. I couldn't stop chuckling so Zayn answered him whispering

"Global success award." His ragged breathing in the way but he tried his best to answer

"Em...a massive thank you to all of our incredible incredible fans. Uh everybody here thank you so much, thanks for having us again. Uh....thank you." he bowed and then we walked off back to our table to watch the rest of the show, everyone teasing Harry


"I can't believe you were at the toilets while we were up on stage for winning Global Success Award." I laughed shaking my head at a blushing Harry who drank raspberry vodka as we sat at a booth at Ed Sheeran's secret after party we were invited to

"I had to pee Lou. Sorry lads." everyone chuckled shaking their heads

"It's alright. Although I think Louis needed the toilet more than you. He looked like he was about to shit himself cause you weren't close by." I scowled at Zayn and everyone chuckled

Harry cooed and circled his arm around my waist causing me to blush

"Love you too boo." I huffed and elbowed him to which he just chuckled and kissed my cheek discreetly causing me to blush in the end

"Boys?" we looked up from the table and saw Paul with annoyed wide eyes

"What's up Paul?" he sighed and shook his head like if he was exhausted or disappointed. Maybe both?

"Uh....Eleanor just arrived. Dave sent her with Joe and want's you to bring her in." I scowled and glared ahed squeezing Harry's hip

"I'm hanging out with the lads today. And i'm with Harry." he sighed and handed me his phone which Harry grabbed putting it to my ear

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