Chapter 3

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Hey guys! Sorry for the long wait, i just started school and i'm getting overtime at work so my life is hectic right now.

But anyway! Here is chapter 3! Enjoy!

Love you all!


*Harry's POV*

"Harry? The car is here, i'l take your luggage. You have ten minutes." I nodded as Paul grabbed my stuff and took them out to the car. I bit my lip looking at him walk away and then jumped as I felt a hand go down my arm

I turned to look at Louis who smiled and brought me closer to him

"Hey, it's okay. Just call and text anytime you want love. We can Skype too. And you know Skype can be a lot of fun sometimes." He winked and I lowly chuckled as he stroked my cheek with his thumb and held my waist with his left arm

"Y-yea. Alright then, i'l be back in a week. I love you so much Lou." he smiled and now gripped my neck with both hands

"I love you too curly." he pulled me down and we kissed slowly, I was savoring this moment knowing I wont get to kiss him again until a week from today

"Lets go Harry." I sighed as Paul called me out, we pulled away from the kiss setting our foreheads onto each others

"You have to go now. You'l be okay. I love you Harry." water started to form in my eyes but I fought them back and smiled

"I love you Louis." he kissed my cheek before walking off and I walked out to the black SUV and drove off to the airport


"Harry! Hey, how are you?" I groaned as I heard her voice from the other line. I had just gotten off the car and walked off to the lobby of the big Hilton hotel

"I'm fine. So where are we meeting tomorrow?" she sighed disappointed and I smiled at the receptionist as she handed me my key card and I walked off to the elevator with my guards

"At least sound happy about this, you know I don't want to date you either. And we have to meet at George's restaurant for breakfast at ten." I bit my lip as I slid the key and walked into my inn suite

"Yea okay whatever. I'l text you when i'm there, I have to go now." I hung up before she could answer and then lunged myself on the bed growling angrily

"Here's your luggage. I'm sorry about this Harry." I shook my head and waved Paul off

"S'not your fault Paul. Have to fucking deal with this shit just for loving Louis. Does it really fucking matter what sex they are?" I rubbed my hands down my face and then opened my eyes as I felt an object land softly next to me

"He told me to give it to you once you got here. Call him. See you in the morning." he closed the door and left me starring at the small black box on the bed. Right when I reached for it my phone rang

I placed it on speaker next to me as I held the box

"Hey ba-" I began but then got cut off

"Did you like it?" I chuckled at his soft velvety voice full of eagerness and tossed the small box in my hands as I stared at the ceiling

"Hello to you to love. And I haven't opened it yet." he chuckled and I bit my lip savoring the beautiful sound

"Well then go ahed." I smiled and opened the small box revealing a silver band ring with tiny diamonds on it. I twirled it in between my index and thumb and noticed a small engraved quote inside

How Will I Survive *Larry Stylinson Fanfiction*Where stories live. Discover now