Chapter 39

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Sorry for the late update loves. Been really busy. But enjoy, and next chap will be much better 😁

Love you all!



"What?! You knew this whole time and you didn't say anything?!" Zayn sighed standing next to Niall and Liam as Louis paced angrily by the fireplace, glaring at him occasionally

"Harry told me the next morning. I was going to confront her and tell you, but he made me swear not to say a word. He was devastated, i'm sorry. He needed me at the time." Louis sighed shaking his head and sat down grabbing the tea Sophia handed them each

"Look, i'm sorry. I'm just so pissed and confused. This hurts me as much as him, trust me. It's been miserable being with her. I need him. And now he's pregnant, my god I- thank you Zayn, for being there for him and taking care of him. And the baby." Zayn smiled sitting down on the recliner

"He named her Darcy. Darcy Lou. He probably didn't tell you cause he hates you right now. But I know you love him." Louis smiled nodding and Liam sighed

"Okay, no more mushy love stuff. In order to fix Harry and this whole thing we need you to know Zayn's plan." raising an eyebrow Louis turned to Zayn and he sighed

"I've been talking to Ed for a while now. He says he has a contact who's marrying his cousin, and he can find a loophole in our contracts. Now, he found one in mine, and since I had signed to be a solo artist I can get out, Dave forgot that in the contract he never stated under what label or management I would be if I took the offer. So, leaving the band I can talk to Joe from Azoff Records and discuss how to get you, Harry, Liam, Niall and I out of the contracts and then sign with Azoff as a group. And we can actually fight to keep the name because It was Harry's original idea. So I need to leave the band." Louis stood again, wide eyed lost for words pacing

"But that will kill him. And me. You're my best mate, I mean no offense lads but Zayn and I have this bond and-"

"I know. That's why you're going to protect me in this. Dave will let me out of the contract but if I sign Naughtyboy as my producer. You know how much we loath him. So you need to pick fights with him, then i'l turn on him and he will quit with me. That way I am free and able to sign with Azoff. Once signed I can get the rest of you." Niall groaned looking at Zayn and Liam

"One problem guys. Harry's five months pregnant now. It's our 'Five month break' announcement tomorrow."

"What?" Louis looked confused pleading for an explanation, so Zayn once again sighed

"I came up with a plan in which we do the Cardiff promo tomorrow, and we announce a five month break. They'l ask why, and the answer is that Harry has been having problems and he needs treatment so we'l be sending him to a facility close by, which in reality is Ed's beach house in Costa Rica. Don't worry, Ed knows....Dave couldn't find a good place so he just contacted him. Oh yeah, Dave's in this too, he knows about the pregnancy. Then we were counting on your wedding in November to distract the media for a while. Once the baby was born, Harry would have two months to recover and come back to London and we'l go on tour in May-"

"Okay, okay that's all crazy. And Dave agrees with this?! I mean-"

"He still doesn't know you know about the baby. And this whole thing I just-"

"Okay, what if we still do the whole five break thing tomorrow, you announce your leaving of the band by the weekend and plan with Azoff as Louis takes care of Harry in the beach house for five months?" Louis looked at Liam shocked and gaping

How Will I Survive *Larry Stylinson Fanfiction*Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin