Chapter 23

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Right guys! I have here chapter 23!
Enjoy, or not cause I was angry after reading it lol anyway, feel free to cry, comment your opinion, vote, or just state your opinion on how much of an idiot I am lol

Love you!


"Fucking hell! Sarah?! Get Eleanor here! And Louis! NOW!" the blonde assistant grabbed the office phone startled and dialed Tomlinson

"What?!" her breath hitched at his sharp tone and she coughed nervously

"Uh, Louis? Dave is requesting to see you and miss Eleanor, immediately." before he could say a word she hung up and gulped looking ahed at Dave's office. Sighing he paged him

"On their way sir." and just like that she did it. She felt scared as hell wen she applied for this job, knowing the previous assistant to Modest! had quit because Dave was horrible and used her to hurt the boys. She doesn't want to. But she needs the money to pay her mothers medical bills

Biting her lip she saw John opening the door for Louis and Eleanor who eyed her and she shyly waved

"Uh, he's in the meeting room." they nodded and walked passed her, Louis giving her an annoyed look

Once stepping into Dave's office, Louis was shifting on his feet angrily waiting for Dave to open his mouth

"Sit down. Now." John closes the door behind them and Louis sits beside Eleanor looking up annoyed at him

"What's wrong now Dave?" the manager looked at him with anger and grabbed the box beside his computer throwing it over to Louis

"I told you to control your boyfriend." Louis raised an eyebrow looking at the box. He opened it gasping at the two hundred invitations inside

"You can't be serious?!" Dave scoffed digging through his coat and tossed Eleanor a velvet box

"Oh i'm dead serious. I've had enough of all your gay shit here and there. It stops now! Eleanor put the ring on. From this moment forward you are engaged to Louis. Wedding is Friday, November twentieth. I have assigned you a wedding planner. She will meet with you on Saturday after she has delivered all those invitations. Don't screw this up" Louis furiously grabbed the box throwing it at Dave hitting his chest

"YOU'RE FUCKED UP! I'VE HURT HIM ENOUGH DON'T YOU THINK?! I AM IN NO WAY DOING THIS! THERE IS NO FUCKING WAY IN HELL YOU'L GET ME TO DO THIS ONE." Dave smirked grabbing papers from his desk and threw them to Louis again feeling triumph in his organized plans

"You do this Tomlinson. Or I terminate your gay toy from this band." Louis widened his eyes, tears running down his cheeks

"You can't do that! This is Harry's life! The Band. The singing. Everything. You can't just ruin that when he has done nothing wrong!" Dave laughed twirling his rings on his hands and eyed Louis with a smirk

"Oh Louis, I think you've forgotten our rightful positions. Once you singed those contracts, you all became mine. So I can do with you as I please. I can terminate him. You can't stop me. So either you chose the marriage package, or you have a sobbing broken boyfriend in your arms. Tonight." He looked down at Eleanor who was clearly faking shock and grinning inside

"You're okay with this?! You know I don't fucking love you right?! This is hurting Harry El. Please?." his small voice almost made her crack and tell her uncle to destroy this plan, but her desire for Louis love kept winning over, so all she did was shrug and fake sorrow

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