Chapter 22

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Helloooo! I hope you're enjoying the fic so far. I will be making it as long as I can and I hope it ends up being good.

Enjoy this chap, and i'l be updating soon enough.

Love you all!



"Harry, will you put your head back in the car. You'l get pigeon shit on your face." he groaned pulling his head back in the van and closed his window

"I don't feel so good Niall. Needed fresh air." the blonde scoffed and went back to his phone

"You better go to sleep. I am not dealing with your babynes." he pouted looking out the window as they came to a stoplight

London was beautiful at two in the morning, he thought. He remembers the nights where Louis would take him up to their rooftop and hug him as they looked up at the stars to calm his attacks. He would whisper sweet nothings to him as he clenched the towel on his cuts. He blinked back a tear right as his head was hit

"Up curly head! We're home." he gulped looking towards Niall's door. This was never his home. He appreciated Niall for letting him stay here, but it never truly felt like his home. Sighing he grabbed his phone and stepped out watching as the security grabbed their luggage and set it by the living room couch

"Night lads." he smiled at the guard and nodded watching Niall close the door

"Shower. Lads want a meeting." he furrowed his eyebrows at him and groaned

"It's two in the bloody morning Niall. I'm jet lag, and I feel horrible." the blonde shrugged walking towards the kitchen and came back with a bottle of water handing it to him

"It's the only time we have before the fans get up and search for us, and before Dave calls us." he sighed chugging the water and wiped his forehead of sweat

"Where?" Niall chucked his shoes off grabbing his luggage and looked at Harry with a sympathetic expression

"Louis'." he walked up the stairs not wanting to look at Harry's tense but pained expression because even though he didn't mention her name, he knew she lives there now, not him with his lover (who still doesn't know why Harry is mad)

Angry he stood up and grabbed his bags going up to the guest room. He threw the bag on the bed and picked out a pair of black joggers, a grey V-neck, and his bright green trainers.
After his shower, he sighed pulling his curls up in a bun and dressed up meeting Niall at the driveway and sliding into the car

"What's the meeting about anyway?" the blonde was quiet. Too quiet, which meant for Harry that something serious was going on. Niall loved to converse a lot, so when he was as quiet as a scolded child, he knew something was up

"Niall." he sighed turning up into the familiar driveway of his best mates home

"Zayn's thinking of leaving the band soon. He want's us to meet so we can agree on something so we can present it to Dave." Harry furrowed his eyebrows, a lump caught in his throat. 'No, he couldn't do that to them'

Before he could speak though, Niall was already knocking on the door. He bit his lip and fought back the tears


"But Zayn, even if we figured it all out. Why?" the olive boy smiled softly at his curly best mate and gripped his knee

"It's not gonna happen yet Harry. It's just a backup plan I have saved up for something okay. Once it happens, you'l realize why I did it." he sighed standing up and walked away into the familiar kitchen drowning out the whispers of the lads desperately trying to understand Zayn

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