Chapter 40

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Hi my wonderful loves! Here's the next chapter. P.S. I love how Louis gets kind of feisty and mans up at the end.

Hope you enjoy it as I did writing it! ☺️

Love you all!



Placing the cat down, Louis opened the door of the corner room and gasped once he saw the beautiful baby room. He walked in and ran his fingers against the wood of every inch of the furniture. He smiled at the sonograms Harry placed on a picture frame above the dresser and skimmed his fingers over it

"The lads decorated it." he slightly jumped turning to see a freshly showered Harry with wet curly locks, grey sweats, and a white v-neck showing his five month belly very well

"They did a very good job. I love it, and i'm sure Darcy Lou will too." Harry pouted as Louis said her name, he never told him her middle name

"I'm gonna kill who ever told you." Louis smirked following him to his room where he grabbed his bags

"I'l get them. You just slowly follow me down yea?" Harry awkwardly nodded following him down to the living room and sat on the couch rubbing his stomach again, the baby was restless right now and he felt really tired

"What are you doing here anyway? I thought you were supposed to be with her planing-"

"Harry. Stop. Don't ruin this. We were being civil and I don't want to fight right now." Harry sighed rolling his eyes and nodded

"Sure." before Louis could speak a knock came at the door and he told Harry he would get it. At the foot of the door stood Niall with a water bottle, pills, and a blanket

"Jet is ready. We need to leave as soon as possible. Dave has guards keeping paparazzi occupied at Zayn's. Lets go." he rushed in leaving Louis confused and he walked over to Harry who smiled

"Hey Ni! What's-"

"Drink these. Kevin said you needed them for the trip cause you can get sick on the plane. Kevin and Ed will be there once we arrive, so we need to leave now. Come on." Harry drank the pills gulping down the bottle and Louis walked over grabbing the luggage

"I'l put these in the van. You help him in the car." closing up the house, Harry made it slowly inside the van and Louis climbed in right when John and Paul started to drive off

"Uh, why are you here? Niall? Louis wasn't part of the-"

"He's coming with us. Dave approved. Baby daddy gets to help you out with the pregnancy. Now shh, head hurts." Harry's eyes widened starring at Louis shocked and horrified

"No! What?! No! I told you that she-"

"Don't fight us on this. I deserve this. Just-"

"Both of you shut up! Get over it. We're almost to the plane, nothing can be done. You two clearly need to figure out your shit, specially you since you broke up with Eleanor." Harry's eyes widened again and Louis glared at Niall

"What? But-"

"Just drop it Harry." Niall groaned and Louis looked out the window feeling Harry's eyes on him

Soon enough the pills kicked in and Harry fell asleep. Once they stopped Louis looked over as Niall tapped him on the shoulder then pointed to Harry

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