Chapter 49

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Hi my loves!! I'm so sorry for the late updates. I had a death in the family, there was a bunch of things going on at once.

But here I am. Here's the next chapter. Just like two or three more left and it's done lol 😁


Love you all!



It was such a beautiful morning. Cloudy yet no rain, but you could still smell the hint of it. Harry was awake on the balcony of the beach house, Darcy in his arms breast feeding her. Louis was somewhere in the house finishing their packing for when they leave today. They should have flown back to London last night, but Harry wanted to wait for Liam and Zayn to get back with Perrie and Sophia.

He chuckles as Darcy pops her small lips off his nipple and moves her lips as she falls asleep. He's about to start swaying when he feels a set of arms wrap around his waist, and a chin hook over his shoulder

"Everyone is all packed up, we leave in an hour." he smiles and slowly turns in Louis' arms and bends to kiss him quick

"Alright. You mind taking care of Darcy while I shower quick." he nods and takes her into his arms and walks behind Harry

"I'l be downstairs with the others love." Harry nods and waves as he disappears into the bathroom. Louis smiles fondly and then walks down into the living room and carefully sets Darcy down into the mini crib that they haven't packed yet just in case. He smiles and kisses her forehead, then walks out into the kitchen where Ed, Niall, Zayn, Liam, Sophia, and Perrie are surrounding Kevin

"Ey, the father and husband to be!-" Louis puts his finger up to his lips quickly

"Shhh. I just put Darcy down in the mini crib Niall. What's with the reunion?" Ed smiles and goes around to pat Kevin's back

"It's Kevin's last day with us Lou. Gotta give him a proper goodbye. Where's Harry?" Louis' eyes squint and stare at Ed then at Kevin, totally disregarding Ed's question

"But you're coming to the wedding right?" Kevin chuckles and nods with a small smirk

"Of course I am. Harry would kill you if I don't. And me as well." Louis scoffs and then walks over to the fridge grabbing two yogurt cups and a water

"He'd kill both of us yea, but he'l miss me more." he winks and sets the yogurts on the counter and opens the bottle of water sipping from it right away

"Oh, you guys just started dating again, and you're already whipped?" Zayn rolls his eyes throwing an orange at Niall

"You're such an idiot Niall. They were together for five years. You really thing that a ten month separation would take way the whip." Louis' eyes narrow at him and Ed laughs joining in on the conversation

"S'true, woopshh, woopshh. Harry's got you wrapped around his finger." the blue eyed lad grabs an apple this time and throws it at Ed smashing it right against his chest

"He's my fiancé you dick. And, I have a daughter now." Liam snorts and looks at Sophia then at him

"Yea, but Harry's always gonna be first. Don't matter if you have Darcy. Harry will always be your baby. Am I right?" Louis blushes and goes to speak but then is interrupted by a husky voice

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