Chapter 4

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Hi loves! Sorry for the wait, have stuff to do. Work, school, sleep lol

Here's chapter 4! Enjoy!

Love you all!


*Louis' POV*

"You can not do this right now Louis! You're risking everything. The fans will start with their Larry stuff and i'm sure he's fine over there-"

"Bullshit! They're spreading rumors of him being a manwhore again! I don't even know why the fuck I came by here to tell you, it's not like you give a fuck anyway. I'm going down there weather you like it or not!" I grabbed my bags from the office lobby couch and walked outside towards the car chucking them inside the trunk

"Louis! God you are so frustrating! Fine! But you better not get noticed then. Take Jon with you." I angrily huffed and climbed into the back seat of the SUV as Jon sat in the drivers seat

"So what happened?" I turned to look at him through the rearview mirror as I crossed my arms over my chest

"Harry called me last night bawling his eyes out Jon. Fucking paps bombarded him outside a shoe store screaming at him all sorts of shit. And I know he's supposed to come back in three days but he needs me right now." Jon sighed as he turned towards the airport

"Man i'm sorry mate, your life is so complicated. And hows the Ashley Carson thing?" I angrily growled and looked out the window

"Scheduled 'breakup' was yesterday. That's why paps cornered him. Now a magazine comes out saying he used her for a weeks vacation fun in California and shit. And people are just throwing everything out of proportion. I'm just so worried about him." I bit my nails as Jon entered the gate to the private plane

"He'l be okay once he sees you. You're lucky you got balls to stand up to Dave or you'd still be in London with Eleanor." I scoffed and climbed out the car grabbing my luggage and walked towards the plane with Jon beside me

"I hate being around her. I never stay with her for the whole day though, thank god. Just for small appearances here and there. She's nice and all but so boring and suffocating sometimes. I hate this and i'm so scared for Harry Jon." Jon sighed as we sat in our seats and the plane took off

"Why are you so scared?" I bit my lip and looked down at my lap fiddling with my fingers

"Harry's not good with hate Jon. Or the stress of hiding and stuff. He uh....h-he used to cut. I-I'm scared he'l relapse." Jon's eyes widened as I sniffled and wiped my eyes

"What?! How come we never knew about this?" I shook my head wiping. my eyes

"Cause he's smart. He's bad at lying but he's good at hiding certain things. H-he only cut where no one would know, but I noticed. I know him too well, it was when we first started dating. I helped him stop, we went through it together. But i'm scared that Dave will go too far with this and I might lose him." Jon patted my back as I choked a sob

"Louis, you both will be okay. You guys are smart and can get through this. Now try to rest, i'l wake you when we get there." I slowly nodded and cuddled with my blue his and her blanket and drifted off to sleep


"He's in the second inn suite, top floor." I nodded and grabbed the key card and my bags

"Remember Stephanie, not a word about this or we're not paying." The receptionist nodded at Jon and we proceeded to the top floor

I bit my lip starring at the numbers glow until it hit 20 and the bell rang opening the doors. I sighed and walked down the hallway with Jon and soon met with Paul outside Harry's room door

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