The Whodunnit

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Dear journal entry,

Today, all of were summoned over to the meeting room, which confused me. I mean, why are we having a meeting today? Was there a notification that I forgot or something?

Lord Muzan then arrived and told us the reason why we were having this meeting. He shows us a silly looking doodle of Lord Muzan with squiggly arms and legs and the words "Hee-Hee Man" next to it.

So basically, he wants to know who the culprit is. I heard Enmu snickering from behind me and Lord Muzan immediately looked at him. He began to interrogate Enmu but in order to prove that he was innocent, Enmu drew a really good drawing of Lord Muzan. He then dropped Enmu from the list of suspects.

He then questioned Douma-san since he looked rather guilty too, but it turns out that Douma-san can't draw for the life of him. Seriously, it was really bad to look at.

Lord Muzan kept interrogating but came up with nothing so we were all let go to do our own thing.

I walked on over to the kitchen to get a snack when Nakime-san approached me. She said that she had something really important to tell me and led me to her room for our discussion.

She then whispered in my ear that she was the one who drew the picture. I looked at her and asked why she was telling me this. She told me because she trusted me to keep this secret to the grave and also because she knows that no one will ever believe me. She struck her biwa and teleported away, leaving me with this forbidden knowledge.

Now that I think about it, why am I the one keeping all the secrets? I know about Lord Muzan's secret part-time singing and dancing career (although now that I think about it, Nakime-san also knows this), I know about Akaza-san's love for romance novels, and now.... I know who drew the drawing of Lord Muzan.

-Rui Lower Moon Five

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