And Here We Have Moons Screaming Quotes at Each Other. More at 12

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Rui: [Swirls chocolate milk in a wine glass]


Enmu: Hey Kokushibo! You heard about these Ninjitsu guys?

Kokushibo: Do you mean shinobis? Ninjitsu tactics are not that uncommon. You'll have to be more specific.

Enmu: The little Lego guys with the cool outfits.

Kokushibo: ...

Kokushibo: Enmu. Are you referring to the children's cartoon Ninjago?


Kaigaku: rich people have so much useless kitchen stuff, like what do you even need this for?

Akaza, stunned: that’s a can opener

Kaigaku: exactly, so stupid. why do you need that when you have a perfectly good knife? *stabs open spaghettios can*


Akaza: Why are you licking the blender blades?

Enmu: I like to live on the edge.

Akaza: Okay, well, that particular 'edge' is going to send you to the hospital, and I won't be driving you.


Daki: guys, please, you need to stop

Enmu: *drinking a combination of four loko and 5 hour energy he’s called a 9 loko* wooow, and here I thought you supported our creative endeavors

Douma: *also drinking a 9 loko* she’s just jealous we can see time now


Enmu: *furiously scooping tater tots off of a hot pan with his bare hands*

Kokushibo:…I have a spatula if you need it

Enmu: and I have god’s spatulas *makes crab claw motions with his hands*


Enmu: though, why are we even in a 'the power of love' story

Enmu: I wanna be in a 'power of music' story

Enmu: Akaza pass me a guitar, we are doing the rest of this ordeal to a Metallica medley

Akaza: on it


Douma: I love nature. :) Sittin’ in grass, soakin’ up moonlight, listenin’ to all those weird ringtones that come from these animals in the trees or whatever.


Enmu: *cocks gun* Go to bed. This is no longer a request, this is threat.


Enmu: I had a really weird dream last night

Daki: *sighs* what was it this time Enmu?

Enmu: Well, there were a lot of robots and they were fighting some other robots and then there was this one robot who was dressed as a viking for whatever reason and then viking robot started dancing to Brittany Spears' "Hit me baby one more time" and then the enemy robots were all like "Brittany Spears? Ooooo I love Brittany Spears!" Then they all started dancing with viking robot and it looked like a pretty cool music video, and then viking robot dude starting beating up the enemy robots to the beat of the music and it was so cool.

Rui and Enmu's Life With the Upper Moons (but mostly Rui's)Where stories live. Discover now