Chapter 19: Dark Marks and Dates

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A/N: I know, I know. I'm a few days late, I'm sorry. It just hasn't been my last few days. Idk I'm just dealing with some things right now so I apologize, but I hope you enjoy.

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Voldemort's POV- Third Person:

The Dark Lord, after settling his escaped followers in new lodgings, headed to the Malfoy Manor to see Bellatrix, her husband, Rudolphus, in tow. He had been receiving reports over the last few days about Bellatrix's behavior that mildly worried him. According to her sister, Bella had taken to spending long hours in her bedroom, muttering to herself and, apparently, blowing things up judging by the sounds that were being heard. The Dark Lord had known Bella might be more unstable because of the length of her imprisonment, but he was worried it would affect her role as a Death Eater.

When they arrived at the manor, Narcissa and Lucius were waiting in the foyer to greet them. "How is she?" Rudolphus asked, mild panic in his tone. Rudolphus, a tall, pale, man with long black hair was too proud to admit he had feelings for the wife he was forced to marry, but Voldemort could hear it in his voice and in his head. He had grown to care for Bella through out their marriage and he worried for her especially considering how fragile Her sanity gad been even before her imprisonment.

"She's alright, Rudolphus," Narcissa said, soothingly, as she took his cloak from him. "She's trying to adjust to people. She's been locked up so long, she doesn't know how to handle human interaction."

"Take me to her," Rudolphus demanded. Narcissa nodded and beckoned for him to follow her up the grand staircase. Lucius and The Dark Lord were left alone.

"My Lord," Lucius spoke, "if I may speak plainly, how is turning the Weasley girl coming along?"

Voldemort turned cold eyes on the death eater. "It is going well. The girl has embrace her powers. She is ready to receive the Mark. When it has formed, it is only a matter of having her pledge her allegiance, which I can wait for."

Lucius swallowed. "And my son?" For a long while, the Dark Lord stared at the Death Eater. Finally, he spoke.

"I will not kill the bit because he will be valuable to me, but he will be punished for not turning the girl himself."

Lucius swallowed and nodded. "Yes, my Lord, thank you." Narcissa came down moments later and addressed Voldemort.

"Rudolphus has managed to calm my sister, some what. Try we're speaking quietly to each other when I left. She will be fine."

"Good." Voldemort dismissed the Malfoy's with a Wave of his hand and stepped into the office attached to the foyer. He drew the curtains and sat, once again, in the chair behind the desk and closed his eyes, picturing the Weasley girl and her left arm in his mind. He murmured the words of an incantation of his own creation which would create the Dark mark. The process would take five months. Over the course of those months the girls arm would burn until the mark had branded itself into her skin. Once the Dark Lord was finished, he opened his eyes, through back his head, and laughed.

Elizabeth's POV:

After my arrival at Hogwarts, hiding my new powers had become far more difficult. I couldn't take walks around the grounds at night and I couldn't just wander around the castle to clear my head and loosen the pressure in my cheat because I didn't need to run into Filch. He would drag me to McGonnagal and I really didn't feel like listening to her shout at me. I had taken to pacing around the Common room after everyone had gone to bed, but I had to admits that walking around in circles was dizzying. The only thing that was good about being at Hogwarts was I was rising, once again, to the top of my classes, neck and neck with Hermione, due to my new powers.

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