Chapter One: Moody's Arrival [Full]

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Chapter One: Moody's Arrival

*Chapter 1! Let me know what you think!

The last two pages of this chapter were originally cut off for some unknown reason. this is the full chapter* 

Elizabeth's POV 

[15 years later]




I groaned and burrowed my head underneath my pillows as my twin brothers, Fred and George Weasely, prodded, poked, and used every variation of my name to get me to wake up. I continued to ignore them for a good five minutes until a particularly sharp poke from one of the red haired demons got me right between my ribs.

"Ow!" I shrieked, sitting bolt upright in bed, rubbing my side. "Bloody hell, Fred, that hurt!"

"Well wake up then little sister," Fred said shrugging as George chuckled.

"Yea, you're the last one up-" George started.

"As usual," Fred finished. I rolled my eyes and heaved myself out of bed, brushing past the twins and out of the room I shared with my younger sister Ginny, grabbing some clothes on the way.

Heading into the bathroom, I brushed my long, dark brown hair and brushed my teeth before pulling on an old, tattered, pair of skinny jeans and one of my oldest brother, Bill's, old sweatshirts. When I was done, I looked into the mirror, like I did every day, and sighed.

My curly hair hung down my back to my waist and my bright blue eyes sparkled. I remember, when I was younger, having dirty blonde hair, but it got darker as the years went by. I was fair skinned with a curvy body and I was toned from practicing quidditch with the boys. I had a personality to go with growing up surrounded with males, as did my only sister, Ginny. We had a tough skin and we didn't cry or show emotion very easily, but we did have that soft side. And yet, I knew I didn't belong.

My parents had told me I was adopted as soon as I was old enough to understand. My mother, Molly, had apparently found me in the chicken coop and taken me in. The family had adored me and my mother didn't want to lose me. After it was certain that I was abandoned, the Weasley's adopted me without a second thought.

I couldn't say that I was unhappy here because I loved my family. My home was filled with warmth and love and I had plenty of friends. Merlin only knows what I would be like if I was raised by my birth parents.

At the same time, though, since the day I found out, I stood in front of the mirror and looked at all the things that made me different from my family, and I wondered where each of my characteristics came from. 

Did I get my height from my mom? Was my ability to talk to snakes from my dad? Were my parents in Gryffindor like me? Or another house at Hogwarts? Were they even wizards at all? These questions haunted me all the time and sometimes...sometimes I wished I wasn't adopted. That my birth parents had loved me enough to keep me..

"Elizabeth Weasley!" my mother shouted, "Come down for breakfast, now, young lady!" I sighed.

"Coming Mum!"

I shook my head, clearing it of thoughts about people I never knew, and barreled down a million flights of stairs to the kitchen. I took a seat next to my brother, Ron, and grabbed the closest plate of food, tipping the contents onto my plate.

As I ate, I looked around, smiling, at the family that had taken me in. My mum, who was bustling about the kitchen, making sure everyone had eaten before sitting down to eat herself. My father, Arthur, who, like everyone in the family, besides me, had red, thinning hair, was reading the Daily Prophet while spooning eggs in his mouth. My older brothers, Bill and Charlie, were out in the world, working and living their lives. The twins, identical to the last freckle, were whispering, quietly to each other, while Ronald, a mere two months older than I, stuffed his face and tried to hear what they were saying. Ginny sat on the other side of me, braiding her long red hair while talking to one of our (mine, Ron's, and Ginny's) best friends, Hermione Granger, who had been staying with us for the summer.

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