Chapter 15: Home for the Holidays

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A/N: I'm not sure how long this is but either way i rather like it and I hope you do too :] I am truly trying to update more but I still have no computer and I can't get to the library as often as I would like >.< I'm trying guys.



Elizabeth's POV

Dad's been attacked? I thought, averting my gaze so that my sister didn't see my eyes which I knew had stayed a dark red. "Let me put on my robe, I'll meet you in the Common Room." My voice sounded strangely cold didn't sound like it belonged to me. It lacked the emoton I knew I should have in this situation, but, strangely, it didn't bother me in the slightest. I lked my voice. It made me sound older, more mature, more...powerful.

"Hurry!" Ginny hissed, her voice thick with tears, and she bolted from the dormitory. i could hear her footsteps thundering down the sone stairs. I got up quietly so as not to wake Hermione, Lavender, and Pavarti, and walked over to the window where my robe hung. I brushed my fringe away from my face, examining my reflection. My eyes, as I had known, were a deep, blood red. My thin face was pale fom the moon light, and the planes and angles of my bone structure cast harsh shadows, giving me a more skeletal appearance. 

"Make them blue," I murmured. Instantly I felt a heat wave of power rise inside of me. The heat flooded my eyes, making them burn for a split second. I blinked and when I opened my eyes again, brushing away a hot tear, my eyes were blue once again. "Hmm, impressive," I smirked. I pulled on my robe and walked down the stairs to where my sister stood, shaking and, obviously, trying not to cry. "Where do we need to go?" I asked as I came up behind her. Ginny jumped, startled, and grabbed my hand dragging me out through the Fat Lady's portrait. 

"We're going to Dumbledore's office, McGonagall is there with our brother's and Harry. We're the last ones.. Now hurry!" My sister snapped, pulling harder on my arm as she ran faster down the changing staircases. I snarled under my breath as I wrenched my arm out of her grasp. "Don't talk to me like that!" I snapped. Ginny whipped her head around, her flaming hair flying wildly around her, her eye flashed. 

"What, in the name of Merlin, is wrong with you?" Ginny cried. "We need to go!" Tears streamed down her face as she turned and continued running. Briefly, I felt bad for not really caring about what had happened to my father, but the feeling was diluted from the other sensatons I was feeling.I ran after my sister, just barely making it to the revolving staircase that lead to Dumbledore's office before it started spinning. Ginny and I walked into the office and joined our brothers and Harry. 

"Tell us what's happened now!" Fred snapped. 

"Ron said Harry saw what happened to dad," George said immediately after his twin. Al of us turned to look at Harry who was exremely pale and sweaty.

Harry ran a hand through his hair and took a shakey breath. "I-I had a sort of dream...or a vision. I was in a marble room. I think it was the Ministry of Magic, and there was a snake there, Voldemort's snake, Nagini. It...was just sitting there....l-like it was waiting for something. then all of a sudden it started slithering down the hall and there was a peron there. A-actually there was two but the other person was in the shadows but I-I couldn't see who it wass. I don't think it was Voldemort. The snake stopped and looked at the person. It said  something like you chose well and s-something else but I don't remember. Then It told the person to make another snake and to attack the guard. and the person did...without hesitation. He was hurt so badly." Harry swallowed nervously as we all stared at him. I Looked at him curiously, wondering how he could have possibly seen what I had done, but I was greatful he didn't recognize me. At the same time I felt a twinge of guilt knowing that I was the one that set the snake on my father. 

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