Chapter 11: Dinner and Decisions

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A/N: It's finally up guys! Sorry for the ridiculous wait >.< On a side note, I have a kidney stone >.< it hurts...a lot

Voldemort's POV (Third Person)

The Dark Lord swept around the Malfoy's foyer, pacing and thinking about the girl with his locket. Every once in a while, his chest would twinge and he knew that it was because the wearer of the locket was feeling a strong emotion. Everytime the girl interacted with anything that made her very happy, or very angry, he felt the emotions in the empty cavern that his heart had become. Decades of murdering and torturing his victims had destroyed his heart, leaving a black hole where it should be. He couuld still feel emotions, but it was detached from him, almost as if someone else was experiencing the emotions for him.

'The Malfoy boy needs to man up and follow his orders to get the girl to join us,' the Dark Lord thought. 'It would be a shame to kill him. Such potential in him....It would be wonderful if there was a way to sway her to the Death Eaters, make her want a taste of the power. It would give the Malfoy Boy more of an opportunity to convince her..." the Dark Lord stopped in the middle of the foyer, thinking. An idea was working its way into his mind. A brilliant one at that. The Dark Lord smiled a sinister smile, his red eyes flashing. He quickly turned and almost glided into the ajoining office, settling himself into a large chair after locking the door. He waved his wand, extinguishing the lights in the room and closing the drapes to allow darkness to permeate his surroundings. He leaned his head back against the chair's head rest, closing his eyes and breathing deeply. Legilemency required concentration; there was no room for failure, especially in this situation. 

Concentrating on his prey, he furrowed his brow and muttered, "Legilimens," Almost instantly, he felt himsef be drawn into the girls mind. Her memories sped past him, the images flooding his head; a little girl with pale brown curls running after an older boy with his red hair tied in a ponytail, the girl, older now, sitting nervously on a three legged stool, the sorting hat sitting on her head. Her face was pale and she glanced at the crowd of first years, her blue eyes landing on a pair of dark grey ones. Draco Malfoy stood watching her, smiling encouragement. The memory passed and he stood in the great hall, watching as the girl, dressed in a blood red dress and her hair piled high on her head, walked by on another boy's arm while Draco could be seen watching her with lust in his eyes. The memory changed once more and the Dark Lord sat in the Hogwarts express as the girl arrived finding Draco sitting by the window. They embraced, and he kissed her. the Dark Lord curled his lip in mild disgust and he pushed past the memories, finally seeing through her eyes. 


Elizabeth's POV

As soon as the bell rang signalling the end of class, Ron, Hermione, and I ran out the door, ignoring Umbridge who was trying to scream out homework instructions to the mass of students who were desperate to leave. We started down the stairs and met Harry, who was walking miserably back up to the classroom.

"What happened, mate?' Ron asked, handing Harry his books and his bag. "What did you have to give to McGonagall?"

"I gave her the note Umbridge had written. She told McGonagall that I called her a liar and said that Voldemort was back." Harry said slinging his back onto his shoulder and turning to head down to the Great Hall for dinner.

"What did McGonagall say?" I asked.

"She said to tread carefully around Umbridge and not to forget who she's reporting back to. Oh," Harry added, "Umbridge gave me detention every night for a week." 

"WHAT?" the three of us said, staring incredulouly at our friend. People on the stairs stopped and turned to look at us with curiousity. 

"Detention, every night, for a week." Harry frowned and turned away, hurrying down the stairs. Hermione and I exchanged looks and quickly followed after Harry and Ron. As we entered the Great Hall, a hush fell over the room. Suddenly, a buzzing spread as more and more people whispered hateful things about Harry, calling him a liar and an attention seeker. As Hermione grabbed his hand to pull him to our table, we were approached by a very angry Angelina Johnson, Quidditch Captain. 

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