Chapter 3: Letters

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*Yes I know Draco and Liz are related, it was something I unintentionally overlooked in the process of writing but now I need them together...the only way can slightly justify it is that in the wizarding world families intermarried and its not like they're having sex it anything so it's not a huge deal right now*

Chapter 3: Letters

Draco's POV

"Draco, the dark lord wants to speak with you," my mother said, standing in the doorway to my bedroom. Hastily, I threw an arm over the letter I was writing to my best friend, Elizabeth Weasley, and looked over my shoulder at my mother. She had a nervous look on her face, not that that was unusual. Mother had been on edge ever since her master decided he was going to us our manor as his lodgings and meeting place.

"Just a moment, mother," I sighed, turning back to finish my letter. '....know we discussed the possibility of becoming a couple over last school year and I really like you, but, given my current family situation, I feel it would be a bad idea. I wouldn't want you to get hurt. Please don't think that I dot like you, because I do, it's just impossible for me to be in a relationship right now. I hope you understand. Draco.' I signed the letter just as my mother said, "Now, Draco! Go down to the foyer."

"can I send this off first?" I asked, rolling my eyes as I sealed the letter tightly and stuffed it in my jacket pocket..

"No, do it later. The Dark Lord doesn't like to be kept waiting."

I rolled my eyes and strolled out of the room, passing by my mother without a backward glance. I walked down the winding staircase and into the massive foyer where the Dark Lord stood, waiting for me.

"Draco," he hissed in greeting, not turning away from the cold fireplace to look at me.

"My lord," I murmured, secretly glad that he wasn't looking at me. I didn't like the way he looked at me, like his snake eyes were staring straight into my soul. Abruptly, the Dark Lord turned, his eyes piercing, as he looked at me. I gulped.

"I need your assistance Draco," he hissed, moving closer to me, his cloak whispering across the marble floor. "There is a prophesy at the ministry of magic that is proving very difficult to obtain."

"Whom does it apply too?" I questioned quietly.

"That's none of your concern," he snapped. "I cannot guarantee that it will ever be in my possession and I don't know how lob it will take to retrieve. In the mean time, I must find away to get to Potter. What are his weaknesses, Draco? His friends, his enemies at school?"

I sneered, "Potter is weak in general. All the Slytherins hate him, as does Professor Snape. The other houses and teachers worship him. He's Dumbledore's Favorite." at the mention of my head master, the Dark Lord hissed angrily but I ignored him and continued talking. "His best friends are the Mudblood Granger, the loser Longbottom, the weasel king, Ron Weasley and Eliz-e-Elizabeth Weasley." I stammered realizing I had said her name. I prayed the Dark Lord didn't notice.

"Ahh, you're friends with the blood traitors daughter!" he cried gleefully.

"I am not!"

"Oh, but you are Draco. It's all right here, in your mind. You care for we deeply, even, dare I say, love her. We can use that to our advantage to get close to potter." the Dark Lord Smiled sinisterly at me as I shook my head in horror.

"You will seduce the Weasley girl and get her to tell you Potter's secrets."

" Lord," I stammered.

"You will do it Draco and you will tell Snape everything you find out. He will be watching you. Now, give me that letter in your pocket."

I gasped, how did he know? "I don't have.."

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