Chaptr 8: Prefects and Promises

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A/N: SOOOO sorry for the long wait >.< I haven’t had internet or access to a computer to upload this in the longest time v.v plus I’ve been busy with preparations for my mom’s wedding and rehearsals for the play I’m in for school. Then there’s the usual boat load of crap I deal with on a daily basis. Oh the perks of being a teenager… -_-. Well, anyway, that’s not really an excuse but whatever. Vote and fan/comment!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kbyee]

Chapter 8: Prefects and Promises

Draco’s POV

            “Draco, come down for dinner, please. Your father and I would like to spend some time with you before you go off to Hogwarts in the morning,” Mother called as she passed my bedroom door. I rolled my eyes, my father didn’t care if he saw me before I left for school or not, he was only doing it because of Mother. She actually cared about me.

            “I’ll be there in a bit, Mother,” I said, loudly, so she could hear. I was lounging on my bed with Elizabeth’s last letter in front of me. I had sent my reply days ago, but I enjoyed rereading what she sent me. She always sounded so happy in them, especially since we became a couple. Even though I was forced into being with her, I truly cared for her, she was my best friend and I did have romantic feelings for her, and I know she felt the same.


            This is probably going to be the last letter I send before we go back to Hogwarts, and I’m so excited to see you! I’ve missed you this summer and I can’t wait to give you a huge hug! I can barely wrap my mind around the fact that we’re going into fifth year, can you believe it? It seems like just yesterday we were meeting for the first time, and you were so rude! My brother disliked you instantly, but I didn’t. Even at 11 years old, I felt as if we had some sort of connection, and, frankly, you intrigued me. You were so tough on the outside and I wanted to see if you had a soft side as well. You were probably so angry that some little Gryffindor was stalking the ‘Slytherin Prince.’ Now that I think of it, your friends probably teased you horribly for it, and I’m sorry for that. It all worked out in the end though, and all because you shouted at me, ha-ha!’

            I smiled slightly as I remembered that incident. I was horrid to Elizabeth for months because I was mortified that a blood traitor was following me around, begging to be friends, and all because my father had taught me to hate the Weasley family because they were muggle lovers. Finally, I couldn’t take the pressure of my friends telling me to get rid of her, so I shouted at her to leave me alone, to get lost, in front of all of her friends. I thought the Weasel King was going to curse me right there, but then Snape came and shooed everyone away. Strangely, after everyone had left and Elizabeth had run off, still crying, Snape scolded me for yelling at her. He said that it was obvious that Elizabeth liked me and that I should give her a chance, be friends with her. He said that if I didn’t, I might regret it in the years to come.  So I apologized to her and we’d been best friends ever since.

            ‘I remember running off and hiding on the Quidditch pitch and you came and found me. I was so afraid you were going to shout at me some more, but you surprised me. You sat down right next to me and gave me a chocolate frog and a hug. It was so sweet, and now look at where we are! Almost five years later and best friends and boyfriend and girlfriend! It was worth the months of you getting mad at me our first year for this. Well, sorry for the random trip down memory lane. I’ll see you on the platform, then?


            I folded the letter carefully and put it in an old keepsake box of my mother’s I had found in the attic, putting it with the other letters Elizabeth had sent me over the years. Then, I quickly changed into a white button down shirt, the sleeves rolled up and collar undone, and combed my white-blonde hair back, then I headed down the stairs to dinner.

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