Chapter 14: Choices

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A/N: Oh, this chapter, I don't know if I like it or not yet... Oh well, let me know what you think, then??

Draco's POV


The Dark Lord hs requested I contact you on the matter of persuading the blood trader to join uss. He is displeased that you've taken so long and the girl has yet to consider joining the Death Eaters. The Dark Lord has informed me that he's taken matters into his own hands, although he expects you to continue to try and sway the girl, for, if you fail, there will be reprocussions.

Remember, Draco, that this girl is merely a pawn in the Dark Lord's game. You, in any other circumstance, would have absolutely nothing to do with her, as I would be incredibly displeased, and you know well enough not to anger me. I may not be the Dark Lord but I have my ways of punishing people that causse me irritation.

Talk to the girl; find a way to convince her to join you, to join us. You will regret it if you fail to get to her before the Dark Lord does.

You're mother sends her love.


P.S. I've heard from Dolores Umbridge that she has requested you join her Inquisitorial Squad. I suggest you do, you'd have more power than a regular Prefect and you would assist in helping her figure out the time and location of Potter's little secret Defense group. Stay on Umbridge's good side. Do not disappoint me.

I scowled and crumpled the letter my owl, Perseus, had delivered to me earlier in the daym throwing it into the common room fire. I watched as the letter's edges blackened and shriveled from the heat of the dying embers. I had been thinking, desperately, of a way around convincing Elizabeth from becoming a Death Eater since I had gotton on the train to Hogwarts in September, but I had officially run out of time. I had no idea how the Dark Lord was tryiing to convince Liz, but I knew it couldn't be safe for her. I would have to do it myself. As for joining the Inquisitorial Squad, I had already done it, as I knew it would make my father happy.

The Inquisitorial Squad had spent weeks trying to figure where Potter was holding his secret meetings but we couldn't figure it out. Umbridge had been reduced to putting Veritiserum in peoples' drinks to try and get the information out of them, but either they weren't drinking whatever she was putting the truth serum in, or she was asking people who weren't members of the group. Either way, Umbridge was getting angrier and angrier, plus, I think, the Minister was putting pressure on her to figure it out,

I considered asking Elizabeth because I had a good feeling she belonged to the group as she was reported to have been seen with Potter's group wheen the group was originally formed, plus, she's been disappearing a lot lately, but on random days; there wasn't any distinguishable pattern. I could've followed her but if she found out she would be livid. I would have to figure out a way to follow her, or get her to tell me where they were meeting, It couldn't be too difficult. I was supposed to see her the next night for some much needed alone time and I had been planning a romantic set up in the astronomy tower. I had spent most of the night doing it and I was exhausted, but I knew she would like it. Maybe if I got her in a good enough mood she would tell me what I wanted to know.

I felt bad at the deception but my original motives behind the alone time together were sincere. I truely missed my girlfriend and I wanted to spend the last night before the holidays with her.


Elizabeth's POV

"Are you coming to the DA meeting tonight?" Harry asked he sat down for breakfast a few days before winter break. "It's the last one before we go on Holiday so it won't be anything new, but you should come, you haven;t been at the last few." Harry smiled hesitantly from across the table. Ever since he had gotton mad at me for dating Draco, I had been giving him the cold shoulder, and it was slowly starting to bother Harry., He had been extra nice to me throughout the week, being extra cheery and keeping his temper in check, but i had still kept my distance, including not going to Dumbledore's Army meetings.

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