Chapter 9: Invader from the Ministry

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A/N: Sorry for the long wait and a crappy ending. :/ ive had a lot going on with my mom’s wedding, which was Friday ^_^ It was awesome. Well I hope you enjoy this :? Eh okay ill let you read now… lawl….pic of Draco ^_^ <333333

Chapter 9: Invader from the Ministry

Elizabeth’s POV               

I closed my eyes tightly against my reflection and pulled away from Draco. “Are you alright?” he asked, his brow furrowing in concern.

                “I-yeah,” I said. “Are-are my eyes okay?”

                Draco cocked his head, looking at me like I had lost my mind. “Yea, they’re fine. They’re your normal, beautiful, blue eyes.”

                I breathed a sigh of relief as Draco continued to stare at me. Quickly, I thought on my feet. “Are you sure they’re okay?” I asked as my voice got softer, leaning in closer.

                “I-I…” Draco started, losing his train of thought. Slowly, he moved towards me.

                “Hmm?” our noses were just a hair away from each other. We were so close, I could count every individual eyelash surrounding his silver eyes, dark with lust.

                “You’re beautiful,” he breathed, breaching the distance between us, and crashing his lips to mine again, his long fingers tangling in my hair. He kissed me fiercely, clutching me closer. Faintly, I registered the door sliding open, but, being preoccupied with Draco’s skilled mouth, I didn’t bother looking to see who had entered, and I wasn’t concerned.

                “Oi!” a deep voice yelled, gaining both of our attentions. Instantly, we sprang apart, blushing furiously as we turned to the person who caught us.

                “You know, you’re both really lucky it was me that walked in, and not anybody else,” the boy, a Slytherin, said, leaning against the door frame. He was very handsome, tall with dark skin and close cropped hair. His brown eyes sparkled with amusement. My own eyes widened slightly and I turned to Draco, worried that he would be made fun of for being with me. Draco smiled at me.

                “Don’t worry, Blaise doesn’t care.” I looked back at Blaise, suddenly remembering him. He was a good friend of Draco’s but not the meanest in the group. He stayed in the background for the most part, but I had heard he was a notorious ladies man.

                Blaise winked at me and walked further into the room. “Not that that wasn’t hot and all, but you two need to get changed into your robes, the train will be arriving soon, and, Draco,” Blaise said, turning to him, “you’re needed in the Prefects carriage.” Draco nodded, and then looked at me.

                “Allow me to formally introduce you. Elizabeth Weasley, my good friend, Blaise Zabini. Blaise Zabini, my beautiful girlfriend, Elizabeth.” Blaise grasped my hand in his and kissed my knuckles, making me blush.

                “Charmed,” He smiled, revealing stark white teeth that shone against his dark skin. “Don’t worry about your little secret, I’m not going to tell, and if you ever get tired of my mate over here,” he gestured to Draco who was fuming next to me, “send me an owl.” I rolled my eyes at Blaise, seeing that he was someone I could get along fine with.

                “Awe, thank you Blaise! I would love to take your offer into consideration, but I don’t want to catch anything, so I’ll pass. Besides,” I smiled, leaning against Draco, resting my head on his shoulder, “I already have a man, and I don’t plan on getting tired of him anytime soon.”

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