Chapter 17: Invitations

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FINALLY! OH MY ROWLING guys I'm so sorry for the wait, my writers block has been brutal. I hope you like this chapter, A few things happen in it and I quite like it. Elizabeth is becoming a bad apple. Muahahahahaa Well, you know the drill, comment/vote/fan


Elizabeth's POV

I wandered around the house all the next day after we came back from St. Mungo's to visit dad. I couldn't stand being around the Holiday cheer filling the house; it was way too irritating to handle. A lot of it had to do with Sirius being so happy to have the company, but him going around singing carols at the top of his voice was grinding on my nerves. To get away from everyone, I spent a lot of time with Buckbeak in Sirius' parents' room feeding him dead rats. I also took walks around London after everyone had gone to bed. I wasn't worried about Death Eaters coming and attacking me or something like that. I was more than capable of handling myself.

Part of the reason I took walks so late was because it helped me think. I suppose it was my way of meditating. The powers I had gained after I had made my choice felt like they were being stored in my heart. There was a great pressure in my chest and the walking helped alleviate the pressure and my eyes stayed blue for a longer period of time when the pressure was lessened. I also thought about Draco. I had left him before the break on a very bitter note. A part of me missed him terribly, but another part of me said, "Screw him! He wronged you. He lied to you. For all you know he's been cheating on you with that slag, Pansy Parkinson." Every time that part of me said something like that, I could feel my eyes turning red and whatever I happened to be glaring at burst into flame. The muggle news had been reporting a lot more misdemeanor arson cases since we arrived back in London.

A couple of days after we arrived at Sirius', I was sneaking back into the house at around 4 in the morning when I heard a noise in the kitchen. Curious, I snuck down the stairs and pressed my ear against the door. "Dumbledore wants Potter to take Occlumency lessons. He's concerned," A soft voice, filled with venom, murmured. I recognized the voice as belonging to Snape. Why is he here so late? I wondered.

"He doesn't need them!" Sirius growled.

"Dumbledore believes The Dark Lord is entering his mind, unintentionally, for now." I could hear the smirk in Snape's voice.

"And what is that supposed to mean?!" Sirius's voice was getting higher and higher with each passing moment.

"It means, dog that Dumbledore believes that eventually The Dark Lord will figure out that he has access to Potter's mind and take advantage of that power. Dumbledore wishes to close that link between their minds." I hissed as the locket burned at the mention of You-Know-Who. I clamped my mouth shut to muffle my groan of pain and continued to listen.

"Look, Snivellus, if I let you do this and he tells me you gave him one iota of trouble, you're done!" Sirius was livid, you could just hear it.

"Is that a threat, mongrel?" Snape asked, his voice getting quieter with anger.

"You bet," Snarled Sirius. It got very quiet after that and I knew they were staring each other down. A few minutes later I heard footsteps approaching and I hurriedly backed into the room adjacent to the kitchen so I wouldn't be seen. A moment later the door opened and I heard Snape leave the room, climb the stairs, and walk out of the front door. A little while later I heard Sirius leave the kitchen and I knew it was okay for me to go upstairs. I crept into the room I shared with Ginny and sat on my bed, thinking about what I had heard. I knew the information would potentially be valuable but I didn't know when or who would find value in it. I locked it in the back of my mind and drifted to sleep until mum woke me up to go visit dad

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