Chapter 16: Azkaban's Prisoner

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A/N: I'm really sorry about the wait but because I can now upload from my iPod I should be okay now. I do apologize for the shortness of this chapter but I just needed a filler in the worst way. let me know what you think of the new POV huh? Thanks


---Elizabeth's POV

After breakfast, mum sent us all upstairs to nap before going out to see dad. Ginny fell asleep quickly but I stayed awake, to wired to even lie down. I crept out of my room and walked down the hall to the bathroom. I pressed my hands flat against the black marble counter and leaned forward towards the mirror.

I studied the mirror absently, noting its gold gilded framework that was blackened around the rim from years of neglect. The mirror itself was cracked, spiderwebbing out from the bottom to the very top. I pressed my palm against the mirror where the worst of the cracking was. "Fix it," I mumbled. Heat flooded through my hand and the mirror fogged over. When I pulled my hand away I was surprised to see the crack was still there. " I guess something's can't be fixed."

I looked at my reflection, studying my face for any noticeable changes, and I found some. My hair was a bit longer, more curly and a bit crazier; it was darker as well. My skin was still pale but the light freckles that I used to have on my nose had disappeared and the blue of my eyes wasn't soft anymore, more like chips of ice. To anyone else, I looked the same, my hair had just gotten a little longer, but I could see every change my body had gone through in one night.

I turned away from the mirror and headed out of the bathroom, going towards the kitchen for a butter beer. As I walked past Ron and Harry's room, I heard rustling around. Curious, I pushed open the door slightly to see Harry hunched over in bed, looking incredibly uncomfortable.

"Why aren't you sleeping?" I whispered, feigning concern.

"Not tired," Harry grunted. I rolled my eyes and walked in further, attempting to play the roll of caring friend.

"Come on, Harry, talk to me."

Harry growled under his breath and shis to face me. I was a bit startled to see how much he had seemed to age in the last few hours. His face was pale and he had dark bags under his eyes, darker than usual.

"That, was scary. It was like I was the snake. What if Voldemort's....never mind."

"No tell me." I was really curious now.

"Nothing, Liz. Just go." And with that I was dismissed. I humphed and spun on my heel, walking out of the room.

I crept down the stairs to the kitchen so I didn't have to listen to Sirius's mum screeching. As I got to the door I heard Sirius and mum talking.

"-worried about him," Mum was saying. "Look at the state of him! He looks dreadful! Pale and just plain exhausted."

I heard Sirius sigh. "It's a scary situation but I don't want you to focus to much on it now. Focus on Arthur. Harry will get on fine without all of us worrying about him. I think he'll need some space for a while, is all." Sirius was surprisingly calm. When it came to Harry he got fired up very quickly. He seemed to be genuinely concerned about my dad.

I rolled my eyes, tired of hearing about Harry and turned right around, walking right back up to my room, content to sit and do nothing for the next hour or so.

------Bellatrix's POV [third person]

High up in the stone walls of Azkaban prison, guarded by the skeletal figures of the Dementors that leached hope and happiness from their prisoners, sat Bellatrix Lestrange. She was hunched in the corner of her cell, her thin fingers combing methodically through her long scraggly hair. She tilted her head back, shrouded in the shadows, breathing deeply, sniffing the air. After almost 14 years locked away she had grown sensitive to the Dementors. She could sense their restlessness; something was looming ahead, something that excited the guardians of Azkaban Prison.

Bellatrix stood and shuffle to the window. There were know bars on the windows of the prison. If someone tried to escape they would either fall to their death, drown or be stuck on the small island the prison sat on.

She looked out of the window, and finally the moonlight showed how the years locked away had treated her. Her hair was matted and hung down to her lower back, her body was thin and skeletal but she had managed to retain the curves of her prime, but it made her look awkward in the tattered dress she wore. Her skin was deathly pale and chapped from exposure to the elements, her dark mark tattooed on her arm was harsh against the white of her skin. Her brown eyes were sunken and dead, with a crazed look about them, and her teeth had started to rot. However, underneath the depressing thing she had become was the beauty she was famous for, along with her cousin, Sirius Black.

She gripped the cracked rocks that made up the window and mumbled incoherently to herself, and then she spoke louder. "Baby. Baby. Baby girl," she croaked, her voice bouncing off the stone walls. "My little baby girl. Where are you baby girl? Master, master. Forgive me, Master. Get her back." She shook her head fiercely her hands flying to her mouth.

"No, you're not to speak of Baby What's happened to you?." Her psyche was cracking under the weight of her secret and it was tearing her apart. She longed to be free of her prison so she could find the baby she had left behind. But, no, it would lead to her death if her Master found out... What to do....

Bellatrix spun away from the window and her view of the rocking sea below, and crouched back in her corner, picking at the cement in the wall. She rocked backward and forward mumbling nonsense when she noticed the puddle of water on the floor start to bubble.

Like a beaten dog she cautiously neared the water and tilted her head, watching it. It bubbled harder and she jumped, frightened. "Bellatrix," a voice hissed, coming from the bubbles.

"Master?" She whispered, astonished.

"Ah, Bellatrix, my greatest lieutenant, my fiercest warrior. I will come for you soon. I promise. The Dark Lord is a merciful Lord, a forgiving Lord. I know what you have done for me, what you and my other faithful followers have sacrificed. You have shown your loyalty an I will reward you in do time."

Tears dripped down Bella's face and she smiled, her prior beauty shining through for a brief moment. "Thank you, Master" she purred as the bubbles ceased.

She stood once more and walked to the window as a feral grin broke out across her face. She threw back her head and cackled as the Dementors, sensing her exhilaration, swarmed around her window, a rattling sound coming from them as they fed.

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