Chapter 5: The Locket

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*I Rather like this chapter, i think it kind of foreshadows certain things and it flows pretty well. Anywho, feedback/comments are appreciated, and look up my page on facebook (CourtneyNicole12345 on Wattpad) Page for teasers and stuff.*

Elizabeth's POV

"Are you alright, Harry?" I asked, talking quietly as we stood in the sitting room I had started to clean our first day here. Mum had called everyone ( and by everyone, i mean us kids) here to clear up the Doxy infestation. Mum was handing out bottles of Doxycide and pieces of cloths to cover our mouths and noses. I think the Doxycide was toxic.

"Yeah, I'm fine,' he mumbled, "just thinking about our discussion earlier." Harry and I had been the last ones up this morning, missing breakfast, so while we stood in the kitchen looking for food, Harry told me about how Fred, George, Ron, and himself had discussed what the weapon could be. Harry was sure that it wouldn't cause pain, because You-Know-Who had the Cruciartus Curse for that. Ron thought it could kill a bunch of people at once, but i disagreed. I thought that if You-Know-Who wanted to kill many people at the same time, he would just make his followers do it. Harry agreed with me.

"it'll be fine, Harry, the Order won't let him get the weapon, wherever it is," I whispered, as mum mentioned something about Doxy bites being poisonous. We turned towards the door as it opened and Sirius walked in, carrying a bag of dead rats for Buckbeak. He set them on the antique sofa next to the extra bottles of Doxycide.

"okay, I'm here,' Sirius announced. I giggled at his unneccessary pronouncement. Mum greeted Sirius curtly, and handed him a bottle and a cloth to cover his face. "What are we doing today?"

Mum said, equally polite, "We need to get rid of those Doxies and clear out that china cabinet. We also need to get rid of whatever is in that desk, I'm pretty sure it's a boggar, but i want MAd-Eye to have a look, just in case it's something more dangerous." Mum indicated the desk sitting in the corner of the room , which was quivering slightly.

Sirius walked over to the desk, examining it. "Hmm, I think you're right, Molly, it could be a boggart, but we should wait for Moody.'

Mum nodded, then turned back to address the rest of the group. "Alright, you lot, on the count of three you're going to spray the Doxycide at the curtains. they should fly out immediately. just spray them in the face, one good shot should do it, and throw them in the bucket," Mum pointed at the pail beside the sofa. "And, please, be careful, i'd rather no one need the antidote. Alright,  bottles out." We all turned and faced the drapes, which were buzzing angrily. "One....Two....Three...Spray!" all at once, everyone squeezed the trigger and the potion sprayed onto  the drapes. Almost immediately, the Doxys swarmed at us, their needle sharp teeth bared. They looked a bit like warped faeries; they had small, fuzzy, bodies, with pointed faces. I sprayed one right in the face as it flew at my nose and it fell to the floor with a muffled 'thump'. As i bent down to pick up the doxy, Harry leaned over to whisper with Fred and George.

"that's weird," i muttered as i stood up and Harry immediately straightened and continued spraying Doxys. We stood in silence for a bit, just the sound of the potion being sprayed and the Doxys falling onto the floor.

"Fred! What are you doing?" Mum shouted, eyeing my brother. Fred had a squirming Doxy pinched in between his thumb and forefinger. 'You spray that right now, and put it in the bucket!" mum commanded angrily. Fred sighed and sprayed the Doxy in the face, where it fainted straight away, then he threw it in the bucket with its unconscience friends.

After an hour or so, we had gotten rid of all the doxies, and the curtains, which had been so alive with buzzing not too long ago, now hung, limp and damp from the potion. Mum sighed and wiped her brow, falling back onto the sofa. Almost instantly, she jumped back up, squealing. She had sat on the bag of dead rats. "Well, good job. I'll clear this up and then i think I'll bring up some sandwiches," mum said, after she calmed down. She bent to swat Crookshanks away from the bocket of Doxys and their eggs, when the doorbell rang and Sirius' mum started shrieking about mudbloods and blood traitors in  her house.

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