Chapter 10: DADA

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A/N: Yes, Yes, I know. I'm a horrid person for not uploading in weeks and i'm sorry but its rather difficult writing this when i dont have the book in front of me. This entire chapter is based solely on my memory. on the plus side, i will be updating more fequently, i will be uploading faster, because i want this finished so i can start a new story to enter into the Watty Awards. YAYYY

Question: What's your favorite movie? Mine's Holes, and Harry Potter of course :D i have a bunch others though :]

Elizabeth's POV:

I woke up the next morning to Hermione, calling my name. I groaned and rolled over facing her, stretching. "Mm, what?" I mumbled, my voice thick with sleep.

"Get up, you're going to be late for class," Hermione smiled. I moaned and sat up, running my hand through my, most likely, wild hair. I nodded my thanks to Hermione for waking me up and then headed to my trunk to find my uniform. "It's over here, Liz," Hermione chuckled, pointing to the chair next to my four poster bed. I waved my hand at her, she understood that as a thank you, and pulled my uniform arm, still mostly asleep.

"Kay," I yawned, rubbing my eyes, "I'm ready." Hermione looked at me and burst out laughing.

"I suggest you do your hair before you go downstairs," she giggled. Groaning i pulled a brush through my wild curls and used a straightening potion to smooth it out. "Now, we can go," my friend smiled, dragging me out of our dormitory. We headed to the Great Hall, where we found Harry and Ron, eating breakfast. As per usual, my brothers plate was piled high with food, and Harry was scowling.

"What's the matter Harry?" I asked, sitting down and reaching for a plate of toast.

"Seamus believes the Daily Prophet, he called Harry and Dumbledor liars," Ron said.

"Git," I muttered, rolling my eyes.

"Lavender too," Hermione said sadly. "She cornered me in the bathroom last night asking about what hapened last year."

"Oh, of course. I bet you two had a right little laugh-" Harry started angrily.

"Actually, told her to keep her mouth shut and mind her own business, thank you very much." Hermione said, glaring. "I know you're angry, but, please, stop biting our heads off." Harry looked down at the table guiltily as McGonnagal headed to our table to give out our class schedules. 

"Here you are Potter, Granger, Weasley," McGonnagal said as she handed us our schedules. Ron groaned loudly as she headed towards Neville, Dean, and Seamus to give them thei schedules. 

"This has to be the worst schedule ever," Ron griped, "We have double potions with the Slytherins, Divination, and that Umbridge woman all in one day." My brother groaned again and flopped his head onto the table, rattling his plate and goblet of pumpkin juice. Hermione rolled her eyes. 

"Well, you should've dropped Divination like Elizabeth and I. You could've taken something more productive, like Arithmancy." Harry chuckled and pulled Ron out of his seat so we wouldn't be late for Potions. I hurried ahead of my friends, hoping to catch Draco on the way down to class.

"Hey Weasley," Someone called from under the staircase. Curious, i followed the voice to see Draco and Blaise, seemingly waiting for me. "There you are! Blimey you've been ages. Draco was starting to worry that you'd gotten sick," Blaise said, clapping Draco on the shoulder. My boyfriend scowled. 

"I was not worried. I told you that i thought she had over slept. Was i right?" I nodded sheepishly. Draco chuckled and kissed my forehead. "Always fashionably," he teased. i poked his side, giggling as he lunged after me. I joined my friends who were looking for me by the dungeon stairs, knowing that Draco wouldn't be able to do anything with my friends there. And I was right. Draco took one look at who i was standin gwith and frowned, walking right passed us. "I'll get you later," He whispered softly. I shivered softly at his promise, Hermione giving me a questioning look.

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