25. quite the occasion

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The day rushes by far too fast, and before you know it, it's time to get Gregory from school. The party decorations are up and the activities are ready to go. The animatronics have gathered together so all that's left is to start the party!

"Can we drive along to pick him up from school?" Chica asks as you grab your keys.

"I want to go too!" Sundrop jumps into the air, waving his arms.

"My car isn't nearly big enough, plus it would ruin the surprise!" You laugh, picturing all the animatronics shoved into your little car.

"Then hurry back!" Roxy tells you and you give a thumbs up to confirm you will.

"L/n, we need to talk!" A far less friendly voice calls. Your boss.

You jog over to him, "I have to pick up my kid, what do you need?" You try to sound polite.

"Since when do you have a- nevermind. I decided I should go to the meeting alone," your boss tells you, and refuses to say why he had a change of heart.

"Take a copy of my portfolio then, and let me know how it goes. I really care about this place," you hand him a folder with details from all your events. You're sure to slip in an extra sheet with pictures of the obstacle course Roxy made and credit her.

"I know that you care for some of those animatronics, but you must trust that I will make the best decision for us financially," your boss attempts to ease your concerns, but his word choice isn't comforting.

"I'm just saying you have something special going on here," you glance back at the animatronics who are all not so subtly listening in. You look back at your boss and hope you're not overstepping in your warning, "Don't mess up what you've got by giving up on something too soon,"

"I'll keep your advice in mind," your boss tells you as you dash off to your car.

The drive doesn't take long and by the time you're pulling into the pickup zone, Gregory has already spotted you and is running over. You unlock the doors and he reaches for the passenger seat door, "no can do kiddo, you're going to have to get taller first!" You put a stop to that right away.

"You're no fun!" Gregory complains and begrudgingly gets in the back seat. You know he's not actually mad at you though, "I bet Monty would let me ride shotgun,"

"And that's exactly why Monty will never get a driver's license," you point one finger in the air to punctuate your statement.

"I thought it was because he's a robot," Gregory deadpans then after a second you both begin to laugh.

You turn the radio up a bit but not so loud you can't have a conversation, "you'll have to tell everyone about your field trip, we're all excited to hear how it went!"

Gregory grins, pulling a plastic trophy out of his backpack, "all the running around the pizza plex paied off, because I helped my team win the race!" He tells you proudly. The rest of the story can wait for later, but he was too excited not to share the victory with you right away.

"Awesome job! That calls for a celebration don't you think?" You look at the rearview mirror to smile back at Gregory.

"Of course it does!" Gregory agrees as you park back at the pizza plex. You both get out and start walking into the building, "can I play fazerblaster while you finish working?"

Thankfully, the party is on the way to the Fazerblaster game so you agree, "sure, I'll walk you there!" You offer, hoping the party will remain a surprise up until the last second.

"I think today's the day I beat the record!" Gregory tells you and pretends to shoot an invisible blaster. However, thoughts of playing fazerblaster with a team of staff bots leaves his mind when you reach the performance room.

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