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she did leave a mark.

a mark to big for my liking. but i could easily cover it up with my hair. we are in the car, and i don't know if i should be nervous or excited. i didn't even want to go here in the first place.

billie's hand is on my thigh, as the music softly plays in the background. i let out a sigh, "are you excited?" i asked billie.

her eyebrow twitched, "i'm excited that i get to go with you, for the "party" itself, not really" i hummed, the sun had already started to go down, "what about you love? are you excited?"

i bit my lips slightly, "i'm not sure" billie hummed, squeezing my thigh. we pulled up in the parking lot, seeing as many students had already started to arrive.

"are you meeting ivy here?" i told billie that we made up, and that both of us probably crossed a line. i still have the feeling that she's mad at ivy, but i don't really care.

"we didn't plan anything, i'll probably meet her inside" i opened the car door, stepping outside. my heals were tall, so it made me seem taller. still not as tall as billie, but close.

i met billie's eyes, a smile on her lips. she held my arm, as we started to walk inside. "you look gorgeous" billie kissed my cheek, my face flushed. "thank you, you don't look bad yourself o'connell"

billie laughed, as we started to walk inside. "let's take some photos" i whispered to billie, dragging her with me to where they took photos.

we went up, billie's hands around my waist a smile flashing on both of our faces. we took some more photos, before we walked away.

i didn't see ivy, but there were so many other people here. she should be easy to spot, she's in a yellow dress after all.

"let's go get some food" billie kissed my hair, dragging me with her. i nodded, letting her take me to the food.

everything looks like shit. i looked at her, raising my eyebrows. "i am not eating that shit" billie giggled, "why not? the food looks totally fine"

i looked at the food again, seeing the most unappetizing food ever. before i met her eyes again, "you can eat it, i am not eating that" i rolled my eyes.

billie giggled again, "wanna dance with me instead?" i gave her a smile, taking her to the dance floor. still no sign of ivy.

we went in the middle of the dance floor, i took my arms around her neck, as hers went around my waist. the song that was playing was calming and slow, i didn't know the name but it didn't matter.

my eyes met billie's eyes, "you're so beautiful" billie muttered, i gave her a sweet smile. "you too, even more than just beautiful. you're beyond gorgeous"

billie pulled me closer to her, i leaned slowly in. her pretty eyes closed, my lips met hers. in a sweet, slow kiss. we continued to dance, while kissing.

"good evening everyone" we stopped kissing and looked at the stage. it was a girl one year older than us, she wore a light pink dress. she looked very pretty.

"i hope everyone have had a good time so far, you can now start voting for prom queen and king, over there" she pointed to a table to her left.

"i should vote for you" billie whispered in my ear, i rolled my eyes with a small smile. she continued to
say some unimportant stuff, or probably some important stuff but i didn't listen.

i was still trying to find ivy, she's pretty short, but i still need to find her. "i'll go get something to drink" i kissed billie's cheek, walking to over to the food again.

the food might not be the best, but the drinks looked fine. i started filling myself a cup of some random drink that stood here.

"i knew that dress would look beautiful on you" i could recognize that voice everywhere. i smiled, filling up my cup before i turned around.

"yours look beautiful on you as well" i smile at ivy, taking a sip of my drink. she smiled at the compliment, "thank you"

"i looked for you, i couldn't see you anywhere" ivy sighed, shaking her head. "i just came through the door actually, but i'm here now. you're here with billie?"

i nodded my head, she bit her lip, giving me a slight nod after. "i missed you" i looked at her, "i missed you too" she gave me a small smile.

"you know we should-" she was interrupted by a huge slam. i turned my head faster than i ever had. seeing probably 10 people in a black ski mask.

they had guns in their hands, and started to shot around the room. everyone started to scream, i stood frozen in my spot. i couldn't move. what the heck is happening.

"we need to go like right now" ivy whisper yelled, i was about to say something before i felt someone behind me. they had one hand on my waist and the other over my mouth.

"sweet dreams" i knew that voice...

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