Chapter 45: Unexpected Visitors

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Wow I'm nervous. Only about an hour until I meet my parents. And tell them they're going to be grandparents. I rub my stomach, which as of late has been starting to poke out a bit more. I've also had to pee like 20 times a day. Brandon comes over and sits next to me. He puts an arm around my shoulder and I rested my head on it. "How's TBD doing?" He asked. Ever since Carly started calling the baby that it caught on.

"They're fine. I however, am going to shit myself." "Because of your parents?" "Yep." He pulled me closer and said "It's ok babe, worst case scenario, we just both stay in Florida." "Yeah I guess." We've been in the forest for a while now. We haven't seen any houses, any stores, any anything. The place looks like nobody would live here. But as we follow the twisted road up I see a sign and shout "Stop!"

Carly slams on the brakes, sending all of us flying forward. "Girl what is your deal?" Carly asks. "We need to get out here." I told them. "What about this sign makes you think that we should be in this area at all?" Leah asks looking at the sign. "Toxic waste landfill DO NOT ENTER" It read. "Ok I know but come here." I got out of the RV and walked over to the sign. I pointed to a skull that was spray painted on the sign. "Ok so a vandal was up here?" Ian asked. "No. My dad made skulls like this." They all shared skeptical looks. "Guys it's like one of the only memories I have of him."

"What are you doing Dada?" Dacky asked her father. Shit. She was supposed to be asleep. "Honey let's get you back to bed." "No Dada I wanna come." She was her mother's daughter, so Duncan knew she wouldn't be giving up. "Ok sweetie. Let's get your coat." They walked out onto the street and kept walking until they reached a large sewer grate. "What is it Dada?" "The entrance sweetie." He pulled it aside. After walking down a short tunnel they reached a place that Dacky would never forget. A abandoned subway station with art covering most of the wall. The place smelled of spray paint and something old. Dacky loved it. "What do you think little miss?" Duncan asked his daughter. "It's amazing! Do we get to paint too?" "Yeah that's what we're here for." He laughed. "Yes!" She jumped up and pumped her fist. "Yoooo Duncan is this the kid you won't shut up about?" A man with bright red hair and tattoos covering most of his arms cam over to them. "Yeah this is Dacky. Dacky this is Chuck." "Hi Chuck." Dacky said holding out her tiny hand. He gently shook it and said "It's a pleasure to meet you. Your dad's told me a lot about you." "Alright come on sweetie. I promised your mom we'd be home by 11." He took her over to a corner that was filled with art all in bright colors and pretty simple lines. "Dada who did this one?" She asked. "This is all mine sweetie." Dacky smiled and pointed to a certain one. "That one's my favorite." It was a huge neon green skull. "Here I'll show you how to make one. Pick a color." "Purple!" He put her on his shoulder and handed her the can. Together they made a pretty decent purple skull. "That's amazing honey. Hey everyone look at what Dacky made!" A crowd formed around her artwork, everyone congratulating her. Dacky hopped off her dad's shoulder and stood proudly in front of it. "That's my girl." Said Duncan.

Dacky touched the skull. It was identical to the one that her dad taught her to make. She should know. She'd carved one into almost every surface at Chris's mansion. She had gotten a week in solitary but they couldn't replace every piece of furniture so really she won in the end.  "Guys please just trust me on this one." She pleaded. "Worst case scenario we get radiation poison and become superheroes." Ian said as he walked into the forest.

After about a half hour of walking, they were about ready to give up. "Dacky I think it might be further up the road." Sandy said gently. Dacky looked around helplessly, tears forming in her eyes. "No it has to be here. It has to. I've waited so long I've tried so hard." She turned to them, tears running down her cheeks. "It has to be here." Brandon pulled her close and said "They're here babe, they just might not be in this exact spot. I mean look around, it's pretty obvious no one is up-" he was interrupted by a gunshot, and the bottom of a tree splintering into a hundred little pieces.

Fine PrintOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora