Chapter 2: The kids

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My name is Dacky Barlow Evans. I am 16 years old, and live in a mansion. No, not a big house. A mansion, and I hate it. Well, I really only hate four people in it. Chris, his wife Blaniley, and their kids, Chris and Blainely. Only those self centered douche bags would name their children after themselves. There are 5 other kids in the house, and they're my friends. We were all taken from our parents at a young age and are forced to live in this hell hole. Brandon is the oldest, 16, and his little sister Sandy is the youngest, 15. We all have no idea who are parents are, but we do know their names. Ian is 15 and his parents are Izzy and Owen. Carly is 16 and her parents are Harold and Leshawna. Leah is 15 and her parents are Trent and Gwen. Brandon and Sandy's parents are Geoff and Bridgette. Mine are Duncan and Courtney. It's funny, I have a vital piece of information, but still don't know who the fuck they are. I desperately want to know who they are, and if they're looking for me. I know everybody else does to, so if I can just figure out how to sneak out, then we can find them. We all share a bedroom, even though there are a million other rooms. Me and Carly are best friends, even though I pick on her sometimes. Leah and Sandy are really close. Bieng the only 2 boys, Brandon and Ian are "bros". It was evening, and we were all sitting on our respective bunks. Then Chris came in the room. We all groaned. "Hello, orphans!". I really do hate him. "For the last fucking time. We aren't orphans!" I yelled at him. "Tsk, tsk. Language, Dacky." I just rolled my eyes. "Fuck off." Everybody laughed, and Chris got annoyed. As if it wasn't bad enough, Chris and Blanily junior ran in the room, with loaded nerf guns. "Attack!" Shouted Chris jr, with Blanily jr right behind him. Me and Carly had gotten tired of this shit. So we jumped down, grabbed the guns, and broke them. The kids started crying. Wimps. Then Chris got mad. "Ok orphans, thanks to Dacky and Carly, you'll be cleaning out the attic this evening!" Seriously?! They were the ones shooting at us! The attic is massive! And full of junk. "Come on guys, it'll be fun!" Said Ian. He's kind of weird sometimes. We all reluctantly got out of bed and marched upstairs.

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