Chapter 15: Small town

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Leah: I was sleeping peacefully in the room that I share with Sandy, until somebody shouted, "Guys! Wake up!" Ugh. Sandy sat up and walked out, dragging me with her. When we were all in the living room, we found a very excited Dacky. "You better have a really good reason for waking me up!" Said a grumpy Carly. But she was so excited she hardly noticed her sassy comment. "Well, first of all, I unlocked the pda." She said, sounding like a little kid on Christmas morning. "Congrats!" Said Sandy. "But that's not all. I found the total drama website! It gives the viewers updates on our parents search! We have an accurate map!" We all cheered and danced. We can find them! Dacky is teaching me how to drive. You know, she's not that bad. "I never did ask you, how did you learn how to drive?" I said, still keeping my eyes on the road. "I'm not sure. I somehow just know. I think my dad taught me. Besides, Chris has to many cars, what's the harm if I borrow one?" We laughed together and talked for a while, until we arrived in Leavenworth. It's a pretty cool little town. We got out and looked around. We need to find a store to get some food. "Hey, what about this place?" Said Ian, pointing to a small building. Rosy's general store. Seems like a nice place. As we walked inside we realized we were terribly mistaken. A fat man smoking a cigar in a stained wife beater stood at the counter, and the store was filled with several other shady characters. Gee, what a lovely place. We tried our best not to draw attention to ourselves, but almost every pair of eyes in the room was glued on us. We grabbed a shitload of food and made our way to the checkout. While we were there, a guy without a shirt on wearing basketball shorts, who was obviously drunk, approached us. Lucky me, I was closest to him so that's who he talked to. "Hey doll. Why don't you come to the backroom with me." He slurred in a raspy voice. "No thank you." I said, trying to keep my voice steady. Dacky saw what was happening and came to my aid. "Excuse me sir, but your making her uncomfortable, would you mind leaving?" Instead of listening to her, or even making eye contact, he was staring intently at her tits. "It wasn't a question. I think I'll take you instead." Said the drunk, Dacky looked pissed and terrified. It all happened in slow motion. His hand grabbed her ass, Dacky was going to punch him, then Brandon stepped in. His eyes were practically glowing red. Brandon grabbed the drunk's hand off of Dacky, and shoved him away. If looks could kill. "Leave. Now." He said, his voice low and dangerous. The drunk ran out of the store and out of sight. Brandon turned to Dacky. "Are you alright? Did he hurt you?" The concern melting my non existent heart. "Uh, no. I'm fine." She said staring at Brandon like this is the first time she's seen the guy. He nodded and started putting groceries in bags along with Sandy. Bleh. Love.

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