Chapter 30: Mama Bridgette

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Sandy was trying to figure out what to wear and driving me slightly insane while doing so. "Should I wear jeans or a skirt? What do you think her favorite color is? Probably blue. I'll wear her hoodie. But what pants? And I-" I left the room while she was rambling and she didn't even notice. I found Carly trying to get Brandon's messy golden blonde hair to lay flat. Hs smoothed down his grey button up t shirt and wiped invisible dirt off his jeans. "How do I look?" He asked me, obviously nervous. "Fine." I shrugged and then went to see if Sandy had figured out what to wear. The door was locked. "Hey, Veggie Lover! Open up!" I said loudly. A few minutes later she opened the door. Her cheeks were pink and and her hair looked like she got mauled by a bear. "What happened to you?" I asked. "I fell." She said breathlessly. "Stupid. Let's get your hair done."

Dacky: Brandon was pacing in front of the RV while we waited for everybody else to come out so we can go inside. "What if she doesn't want us anymore? What if she's disappointed in me? What if she-" I grabbed his face and made him look at me. "Shut up! She'll love you and Sandy. And if she doesn't than it's her loss." He smiled and then kissed me. He wrapped his arms around my waist as I grabbed the back of his neck, pulling him closer. "Finally! Now we can stop pretending that we don't know." We both looked towards the door so fast that I'm surprised we didn't get whiplash. Carly was coming down the steps, Ian was already on the ground, Leah was leaning against the door smirking, and Sandy was standing next to her grinning. "Uh, we were just um uh..."Brandon fumbled over his words and Sandy said "Can we go now?"

"Brandon fumbled over his words and Sandy said "Can we go now?"

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"Is that...?" Sandy whispered, not able to finish her sentence. Brandon nodded. In front of them was a woman standing in front of the dolphin tank. Her straight light blonde hair went to her waist, and the white lab coat she was wearing went to her knees, exposing her light blue jeans and navy blue boots. She was writing something on the clipboard she was holding, murmuring softly to herself. "E-excuse me?" Brandon stammered. Bridgette turned around and froze, olive green eyes wide. The boy in front of her had her eyes, but the resemblance to Geoff was remarkable. The girl was wearing her old  hoodie, and it was almost like looking at herself when she was a teenager. But Bridgette didn't have the ocean blue eyes that Geoff did. Bridgette dropped her clipboard. The girl nervously swiped some of the light blonde hair that had fallen out of her braid away from her face. They were beautiful. "My name is-" the boy began, but Bridgette finished his sentence. "Brandon. And Sandy." Tears were in all three of their eyes. Bridgette hugged both of them, a sob escaping her mouth. "How did you get here? Where were you? I looked everywhere, I couldn't find you." Sandy was crying hard and she hugged Bridgette harder. Brandon said "Chris had us. We came here in an RV, with the other kids." "What other kids?" Asked Bridgette, wiping tears from her eyes, one arm still around Sandy. Brandon waved over four teenagers. Three girls and another boy. The boy had curly orange hair and  intense green eyes. "Ma, this is my best bro, Ian." There was a girl who looked startlingly like Gwen, but with Trent's black hair and emerald green eyes. "Sandy's best friend, Leah." Another girl with scarlet red hair and deep brown eyes. "This awesome dudette is Carly." The last girl was a perfect replica of Courtney, but with Duncan's teal eyes and somehow she even had his black and neon green hair. "And this is Dacky." Bridgette smiled and said "It's nice to meet you all, I'm Bridgette. Although Leah and Dacky used to call me Aunty  Bridge." They laughed and Bridgette said, "You must be starving. Would you like to come to my house?" Sandy nodded and the others quickly agreed. 

Brandon and I are riding in our Mom's blue bug while the others follow us in the RV. "I'm so happy that you found me." Said Mom. None of us have stopped smiling since we were reunited. She pulled into the driveway of a big yellow house very close to the ocean. We got out and Mom opened the door. Brandon and I froze when we heard somebody call "Hey babe! You're home early." Mom pushed us inside and said "Geoff, come here please!" I couldn't breathe when he came into view. He looked like he was having a similar reaction. He had gotten a hair cut since Total drama, and he now wore a t shirt and shorts. His ocean blue eyes looked familiar, because I see them in the mirror every day.

I had no idea how to react, but Brandon did

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I had no idea how to react, but Brandon did. "You..." that one word was filled with so much venom that he backed away and Mom gasped. "Brandon!" I shouted when Ian and Dacky had to hold him back. Mom asked "Why is he so mad?!" Ian and Dacky took Brandon outside. Then he said "I think I know. Sandy, can you listen to me please?" I felt tears start to well up in my eyes, but I nodded. "I am so sorry. When your mother told me that she was pregnant, we were in such a bad spot. I thought that I knew what was best when I told her to... but your mom was right. It was so wrong of me to even think that. We divorced and I got Brandon every other week. I always  saw your mom when I picked him up. And I watched as her stomach grew bigger, and bigger, and bigger. Until one day, she wasn't there at all.

Geoff knocked on the door, waiting for his beautiful ex wife to open it and recite her speech of "Bedtime is at eight, no sugary foods or drinks before." And other information on how to properly care for Brandon. But instead  a certain freckled brunette opened the front door. "Hello, Geoff." Said Courtney. "Courtney?" Geoff was very confused. "Dada!" Shouted Brandon, running towards him at full speed. Geoff scooped him up in his arms and hugged him. Another baby toddeled after Brandon. "Dacky, get your toys it's time to go buh bye." Said Duncan walking towards the door. Her teal eyes widened and her bottom lip stuck out. "But I wanna pay wif Bandon, Daddy!" She whined. "Where's Bridgette?" Asked a very confused Geoff. "You don't know?" Duncan asked incredulously. "She went into labor last night." Said Courtney. "I godda sissa Dada!" Brandon said proudly. "Is she ok?" Asked Geoff. "We haven't visited yet." Said Courtney. Geoff went silent for a few seconds, deep in thought. "Can you guys watch Brandon for a little while longer?" He  asked. Dacky nodded and said "Yes. I take bery good cawe of him."

He took a deep breath and walked into the room. A nurse was messing with the monitor and said "She's on pain meds and will be asleep for a while. And you are?" Geoff walked over to his sleeping ex wife and said "I'm the baby's father." For the first time he noticed how big the bags under her eyes were. "Would you like to see it?" The nurse asked, and he said yes without really thinking about it. She went out of the room and came back with a pink blanket. Geoff couldn't believe it. He had a daughter. He held her gently, and then she opened her eyes. Blue. Just like his. But the soft tufts of hair on her head were light blonde, just like Bridgette. "Her name is Sandy." Said a groggy voice. Geoff turned around to see Bridgette smiling at him. "Bridge, she's beautiful." Tears began streaming down his face when he remembered that he had wanted this beautiful baby girl dead. "I forgive you." Said Bridgette, knowing exactly what he was thinking.

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