Chapter 18: Shit

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This is Brandon, but better looking. Can't have Dacky "not" crushing on a piece of shit.
Brandon: So, I admitted to having a mild crush on Dacky. Ok, a massive crush, to Carly. She told me to flirt with her, and it worked! I don't know how to ask her out though. Hopefully before we find Duncan and Courtney, because they are terrifying. Like, " Hi, can I date your daughter?" Then they'd probably go, tame wild whale and destroy hotel room mode on me. This morning, Dacky (sighs dreamily) found out that Lesharold is spending a week in Louisiana. We're in Oregon right now, and it takes 33 hours to get there. If we leave today and don't stop driving, then we'll get there by Monday. Since my driving skills have greatly improved, I took first shift. The traffic isn't to bad. We're heading to Louisiana, we don't know exactly where, but the website will keep us updated. After my shift, Sandy drove so on and so forth. We passed by a Starbucks, and we all agreed that we absolutely had to try it. We got out and I told Sandy to lock the rv, she told Ian to lock it, he told Leah to lock it, she told Dacky to lock it, she told Carly to lock it, and she told me to lock it. In the end, nobody locked it, big mistake. We all got a normal coffee, except for Ian. He got some sort of a unicorn thing. Weird dude. I've observed that Dacky looks pretty damn hot while drinking a caramel frappe. She saw me staring at her and blushed, but glared at me. Somebody's playing hard to get. Shit. Anyways, as we were sitting there, this kid (he was probably about 20 but acted 13)  came over and eyed up the girls then said "Hellloooo ladies!" Dacky rolled her eyes, Carly laughed, Leah scoffed and Sandy looked at him skeptically. This guy needs a lesson on boundaries. This really pissed me off, he took a seat at our booth and then put his arm around Carly. She took his arm so he tried to put it on her thigh, which resulted in him bieng shoved pit of the booth. "Hey hottie. You single?" He asked Dacky. I put my arm around her waist and said "She's taken." In a menacing voice. The kid laughed and said "Oh really? Listen cutie, why don't ya dump the loser and let me show you what a real man is?" Dacky stood up and slammed her hands on the table. "Shut the FuCk up. First off, judging by the id sticking out of your pocket, fucking me would be considered illegal. Second of all, if I were to touch you, I'd probably be suffocated by your shitty cologne. Third of all, I'm not dating him, but he is not a loser. " Dayumm! That's my girl! The guy looked offended, and left. Thank God! But a couple minutes later, he came back with a couple friends. Then one of them tried to kiss Sandy. FuCk. No. I shoved him away, but was soon hit by three pairs of fists. In the end, me and Ian got the guys to leave. Sandy hugged me and I made sure she was ok. We stayed for about an hour, and then left. As we were walking to the rv, we realized the door was open. Not good. We ran inside, and it all seemed the same. Except for the bag. The one with all our money in it. It was now empty. Shiiiiiiiiiiiiit.

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