Chapter 43: Problem

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I'm leaving my parents today. They're totally fine with it but I'm still sad. On the bright side, we're going to a club tonight! We've been spending the entire day making sure everything is ready, then we'll go to the club that's in the next town over and keep driving after."Oh my god!" Carly exclaimed. "What?" "We're supposed to leave in three hours and we don't know what we're going to wear!" Leah rolled her eyes and said "Calm down drama queen. We can just wear what we wore to my mom's art thing." Carly gave her an 'are you kidding me?' look. "What's wrong?" Sandy asked, equally clueless. "That was a black tie event. This is a club. We can't wear ballgowns to a club." 

"Don't worry!" Mom said. We've all gotten used to her popping up in random places. "I got you all new outfits. They're in your rooms." She explained. Carly raced to her and Dacky's guest bedroom. We all laughed when we heard a squeal. Carly ran back into the room holding a satiny black dress up to her chest. "This is so cute! How did you get my size?" Mom smiled and said "I'm glad you like it. I just eyeballed it."

 The rest of us went to check out what we got. I got a short sleeve black button up with dark blue jeans. Brandon got a dark grey shirt with a black dress jacket and black pants. Dacky came in not long after with a lacey grey and black dress. "It'll hide my stomach." She said. Brandon spun her around making her giggle and said "And you'll look goregoues as always." They started kissing so I walked out to see what Leah and Sandy got.

They were also just about to start kissing. "No! Not you too." I whined. They laughed and Sandy said "I'm sorry." Leah rested her head on Sandy's shoulder and said "I'm not." Carly ruffled my hair and said "It's ok ginger. You have me. I don't have anyone to be gross with." Sandy jumped suddenly and said "That's it!" "Did you finally realise how lonely I am?" Carly deadpanned.  "No silly. We need to get Ian a girlfriend." Sandy announced. Leah and Carly totally agreed that it was a great idea. Yikes.

"What did you two get?" Carly asked them. They both held up their dresses. Leah got a tight maroon one with no sleeves and lace at the top. Sandy's was a simple silver one with spaghetti straps. "Pretty." I said. "Yeah those are goregoues. Izzy has really good taste." Carly commented. "Alright. Let's get ready." Brandon and I got ready really quick as usual. The girls took the entire three hours. But the end result was definetly worth the wait. "You guys look awesome!" I exclaimed when they walked into the kitchen. "Thanks Ian." 

Carly's hair got straightened, Dacy got hers curled, Sandy's was half up half down and wavy, and Leah's was put up in a tastefuly messy bun. "Let me get a picture!" Dad said. We all stood together and awkwardly smiled. "At least try and look like you want to be doing this." Dad said. We all laughed and heard the camera click. "Alright get outta here. Tell them we said hi." Mom instructed, pulling me into a big hug. "I love you guys." I whispered. Dad patted my back and said "We love you too bud. Now go and hurry back." 


After what seemed like a VERY long drive, we arrived at a building with neon lights and a very long line. We parked the R.V. down the street and walked up the sidewalk. "I think we can go to the front." Ian said. "Worth a shot. My feet are killing me." Dacky grumbled. We all got to the front and the body guard asked "Names?" Ian stepped forward and said "Um, my mom said that we-" "Yeah right. Back of the line." I stood next to Ian and said "Yeah his mom is Izzy-" The huge man whimpered and said "Go ahead. Tell her I let you in? My name is Terry, if you guys need anything don't hesitate to call for me." We all exchanged impressed looks and went inside. The music was so loud that we could barely hear Dacky shout "We'll be sitting down!" Then she dragged Brandon over to one of the few empty booths by the bar.  

"Let's dance!" I shouted to the rest of us. We all made our way over to the crowd and started dancing. Ian stood awkwardly to the side "Come on dude!" He replied, "I can't dance!" I laughed and pulled him over. "Here just..." I put his hands on my hips and started swaying to the music. We made eye contact and slowly moved closer and closer, until our lips met. "Oh. Wow. No." I said as soon as it happened. Ian wiped his mouth and said "Yeah, definitely just friends." We laughed and broke apart. "Alright show me how bad you are at dancing." He started off just slowly moving to the music. But that was far too normal for Ian.   

Eventually he got the hang of it and did it on his own. "There you go!" Once he got more confident he started doing some crazy dance moves that looked half way between break dancing and having a seizure. I was cracking up watching him. Other people started noticing and cheering for him. He laughed and upped his antics. I noticed a large man in what looked like a security suit standing in the back. I immediately got a bad feeling. I couldn't get Ian's attention so I went to find Dacky and Brandon. They were sitting at a table, Dacky holding her head in her hands.

"My head hurts like a bitch." She told me as I walked up. "Guys we have to go." I told them. "Thank God." Dacky said as she got up. "What's wrong?" Brandon asked. "Don't look but there's a guy in the corner. Something's wrong I can feel it." Brandon nodded. Ian joined us and said "Is something wrong?" "I'll explain later but we have to go." I told him. "Where's Leah and Sandy?" Dacky asked. "Stay together but look fast." Brandon told us.

As we searched I kept an eye on the guy. Carly was right he was acting super shady. I held Dacky's hand as we waded through the crowd. Every time we saw blonde or black hair we would get excited, but we couldn't find them. I was getting worried, realizing how big the club was. I ran into someone, hard.

"Oh sorry... dude." It was the guy. And he had two initials embroidered on his coat. CM. Chris McClean. I pulled Dacky along quickly. When I saw her face I knew she saw too. We circled back to Ian and Carly. "That's one of Chris's goons. We have to get the hell out of here." "Wait he's leaving. Why is he leaving?" We watched as he opened the door, but not before turning around and making eye contact with us. When he smiled, my blood went cold. 

I pushed many surprised dancers as I  ran to get out of the building. We got out just in time to see a black car peeling out of the parking lot. I could see blonde hair in the back window "Sandy!" I shouted as I ran after it. When it was out of sight I dropped to my knees and punched the pavement. I cradled his head in hands. Dacky  dropped down beside me. "I was supposed to protect her, the bastard has her again, I couldn't protect her." "No she's not gone yet. Everyone in the RV now!" Everyone quickly listened to her and she pulled me to my feet. "We're not giving up on her." She told me.

"Guys what's the big deal?" Leah asked, coming out of the club. Sandy was right behind her, holding her hand. "Sandy!" I pulled her to me and squeezed her tight. "Hey Bubba?" She was very confused. "You're alright." I said, very relieved. "Yeah of course she is. What's happening?" Leah said, just as confused. "One of Chris's goons was here. We thought he had you guys." "No we were just in the bathroom." Leah explained. "We still need to get out of here." Carly said. "You're right." I said. "Yep. Let's go find mom and dad." Dacky said, pure determination on her face.

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