Chapter 41: Finally

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So Dacky's pregnant. And I'm going to be an Aunt. It's crazy since we're so young, but I know they'll get through it because they'll have a ton of help. We should be reaching Oregon today and we've found out that Owen owns a restaurant, so they should be easy to find. I woke up to Sandy mumbling something. "What?" "Cold." She muttered. As always, I was on the left side and she was on the right side of the bed. As much as I would love to cuddle with her all night long, she tosses and turns like crazy. I scooted closer to her and spooned her making sure to cover her back up with the weird yellow patterned quilt. "That better baby?" "Mmm hmm."

After being sufficiently warmed up, Sandy fell back asleep. I marveled at how pretty she was. Her pretty blonde hair was really long, down to her waist now. It was becoming pretty wavy as she got older. Bridgette said she gets it from her grandma. Her long eyelashes lay still against her skin. She has the cutest nose. Those full pink lips that I had kissed so many times were curled into a tiny smile. I couldn't believe she was dating me.

Somebody quietly opened the door. It was Brandon. I put a finger to my lips and pointed at Sandy. He nodded and whispered "It's time to wake up. We'll be at the restaurant in about two hours." I gave him a thumbs up and he left. I kissed gently kissed all over Sandy's beautiful face. She opened her eyes and beamed up at me. "You're so pretty." She said, brushing a few loose pieces of hair off my face." I scrunched my face up. "Even like this?" I asked. She leaned up and kissed my nose. "Always."


Holy crap I'm so nervous. I know I shouldn't be because they're my parents and they're going to be really happy to see me, but still. I got dressed in a white t shirt with a blue star on the front and jeans. I wasn't planning on combing my hair but unfortunately the four girls that I live with decided otherwise. They said that while I didn't want to put too much effort in I didn't want to looking like a ragamuffin.

Oregon is pretty cool. So many trees! We can see the ocean but we're not planning on going to any of the beaches because it's so cold. The restaraunt that my dad owns is called "Owen's Mess Hall". From the pictures I've seen of it it's a modest but big green building with a big parking lot and a lot of windows. Brandon parked a little ways away from the resteraunt because there wasn't alot of parking in front of it. Once he parked everyone got out. "You coming man?" Brandon asked. I nodded and said "Yeah."

The restaurant was super busy. The floor was wood and all of the tables looked like mini picnic tables. "Oh my gosh. It's based off the mess hall in the show!" Carly exclaimed as we stood inside the door. I realized she was right. All around us people were eating and laughing. They seemed to be really enjoying the food which made me happy. A young waitress came up to us and asked "Table or booth?" "Table please." Dacky answered. She led us to an empty table in the center of the restaraunt and got out six menus. Once she walked away I asked "How do I find my parents?" "I don't know, ask if you can talk to the owner?" Carly guessed. "But we're still getting food. I'm starving." Said Dacky. 

We all picked up our menus and picked something out. When the waitress came back she introduced herself as Tessa and asked us if we wanted anything to drink. "Uh yeah can we get six Dr. Peppers?" "Of course." "Also, would it be possible to speak to the owner of the restaraunt?" "I'll talk to him and get back to you." "Thank you so much." "No problem." She walked away and I noticed all the girls sharing very weird looks. "What?" I asked. "She likes you." Carly said as if it was obvious. "How do you know?" Brandon asked, just as clueless as I was. 

"You can just tell." Sandy said. "Whatever you say." I responded, studying my menu. Tessa came back with our drinks and said "The owner says he'll talk to you. I can take you back there right now if you want." My heart started pounding out of my chest. "That would be great." I stood up and Brandon asked "Do you want us to go with you?" I thought about it and said "Nah, I've got this." They all told me good luck and Tessa led me back through a little hallway to a wooden door that said "Owen Crown" on it. Tessa opened the door and said "Here he is sir." 

My dad has changed. A lot. It looks like he lost a ton of weight really fast. He was wearing reading glasses and mumbling while writing something on a paper. "Great, come on in." He said without looking up. I went and sat in the chair in front of his desk. "How can I help you?" He asked, finally looking up. He was obviously exhausted. There were huge bags under his blue eyes and his mouth seemed to naturally sag into a frown. "Uh hi, I've wanted to talk to you for a while now. Uh I don't know if you know this, but um. I'm your son."

His eyes widened ad he almost smiled, bt then it dropped back down to a frown. "My son was taken from me a long time ago." "I know. We ran away from Chris a few months ago. We've been finding all of our parents. I'm your son. Ian." He looked down at his desk. He said nothing. Then the door opened. "Hi honey I brought you a snack." When mom saw me she just smiled like it was completely normal I was there. 

She pulled me out of my chair and hugged me tight. "Finally. What took you so long?" She asked. I started crying and hugged her back. After seeing Mom and I next to each other Dad finally believed me. He broke down too and hugged us. "See O? I told you so." Mom said. "Yes you did."


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