Chapter 21: Lesharold

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"Leshawna! That was a person!" Harold yelled as his wife almost ran over a pedestrian

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"Leshawna! That was a person!" Harold yelled as his wife almost ran over a pedestrian. "Well they should move outta my way then." She replied sassily. The couple was on their way to a family reunion in Lafitte, Louisiana. Harold looked out the window, and noticed a young couple cradling an infant. He smiled as he remembered his own daughter.

"No Carly, 'Mama'" Said Leshawna, trying to get her little red haired daughter to say a real word. "yabala." Carly insisted. "No,-" She began, but Harold walked into the room, and Carly happily said "Dada!" Harold laughed, well aware of his wife's attempts to get Carly to say mama. "How did you do that?!" She asked, ticked off. "Oh, me? The smartest man on earth? I did nothing." he responded, earning a playful smack on the arm. "Dada!" Carly repeated, after giggling at his pain.

Not a day went by that he didn't think about her, and all the things they'd do if they had their beloved daughter. Leshawna and Harold, like all the other victims had rushed out of Chris's mansion determined to find their babies. They had also been heartbroken, after Carly's birthday passed. Then the next, and the next, and the next. He would give anything just to see her. She would be 14 now. Leshawna saw the couple as well, and smiled. More than likely that couple wouldn't lose their baby. Her poor, sweet, little daughter was now in the hands of the man that she hated more than anybody. And it hurt. It hurt to know that Chris would get to watch Carly take her first steps, learn to dress herself, learn to ride a bike, have her first boyfriend, and Chris would probably watch Carly forget about her Mama. Leshawna started crying again, and Harold joined her.

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