Chapter 40: Ozzy

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Owen rolled over to find the bed empty. "Not again." He groaned. He rolled out of bed and put his slippers on. He walked through the drafty halls to the living room where he grabbed a blanket off the couch. The front door was wide open.  He walked out onto their porch to find his wife sitting on the front steps. "Good morning." She said cheerfuly without turning around. He wrapped the blanket around her shoulders and said "Good morning. Izzy you can't keep coming out here every morning. You hardly get any sleep as it is and it's freezing." Izzy stared out into space with a wide smile on her face. "He's almost here O." She said. Owen sighed. About a month ago he had woke up to Izzy prancing around the kitchen chanting "Ian's on his way." 

Owen had given up hope a very long time ago. He just had to accept that his son wasn't coming home. Izzy on the other hand, seemed to think Ian was going to show up on their doorstep any day now.  But she wasn't always that hopeful. She was completely numb for a year. She wouldn't talk at all and she slept all day. At night she would pace the house muttering "Where did you go?" It took years, but eventually she went back to normal. Something was different though. Owen couldn't quite place it. 

"Iz, I don't think Ian is coming back." Owen said gently, leading her inside. She looked up at him, smiled and said "You'll see. Now let's get ready for work."

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