Chapter 47: Happy Ending

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"Are we sure everything is ready?" Sandy asked her brother. "Yeah pretty sure dudette." He replied. She was extremely nervous. "What about Dacky? Are she and Oliver ready?" "You'd have to ask them yourself." Dacky came down the stairs and practically threw her baby onto Brandon. He took the little boy with grace and threw him into the air. The little boy with olive eyes, dark skin, and black hair giggled and snuggled into his Dad. Geoff and Bridgette walked into the room. Bridgette took Oliver and asked "How's my little Ollie doing this morning?" He gurgled happily to his Nana and Geoff kissed her cheek.

"Guys are we sure we're all the way ready?" Sandy asked. "Honey I know you're nervous because Leah is coming but we have double checked everything." Henry ran down the stairs and reached up for Oliver. "Can I hold him Aunty Bridge?" She asked. "Sure Henry." He gently took him and started talking to him about what they were going to do today. Ash came down the stairs and said "Dacky! I need you to do my hair." Dacky smiled and said "Of course Ash. I'll be right up." Henry and Ash had had a hard time adjusting to Florida, but after a year they were much happier. Duncan and Courtney were also far happier. They had all found a 5 bedroom house near the beach and they all moved in together. It was especially helpful when Dacky had the baby. She, Brandon, and their baby Oliver shared a room.

Duncan and Courtney came down the stairs. "Anything need to be finished?" Courtney asked. "I'm sure they handled it babe." Duncan said. There was a knock on the door and Sandy gasped. She sprinted towards it, her long blonde hair flying behind her. Everyone laughed at her enthusiasm. Sandy opened the door to find Ian and Owen at the door. "Hey guys come on in." When they got to the kitchen, Izzy was already there. She was talking to Bridgette about something and waved to her husband and son as they walked in.

Next one's to show up were Leshawna, Harold, and Carly. Carly hugged Sandy and said "Ugh it's been too long." Sandy hugged her back and said "Yes it has." "I don't know about this." Harold said. "Oh you'll be fine. I'm sure Duncan has matured since the show. I hope." Sandy laughed and led them inside. "It's not Duncan I'm worried about." Harold mumbled. When they walked into the kitchen everyone went silent, anxiously looking at Duncan and Courtney. They smiled when they saw them and Duncan moved to hug Leshawna. "It's been a while." He said. Leshawna laughed and said "It sure has." "Harold I think we owe you an apology." Courtney said. Harold looked shocked. "I'm sorry we were so rude to you it was just that I miscarried as soon as I got to Loser Island, and they said it was stress so I thought it was because I got kicked off, but it was really just because those conditions were not made for a pregnant teenagers." She finished. "I still shouldn't have done what I did. Especially after losing a child of my own I can't imagine how awful that must have been." Courtney hugged him and said "We all made mistakes."
"Yeah but now that our kids are friends we should at least try to be civil." Duncan reasoned.

Sandy was getting excited with every car that passed by. It had been too long since she had gotten to see her girlfriend. But then there she was, walking down her walkway. Sandy threw open the door and ran down the sidewalk. Leah was surprised but very happy when Sandy practically jumped on her and pulled her in to a long over due kiss. "I missed you." Leah whispered. "Me too." Sandy replied. Leah set her down just as Trent and Gwen were getting out of the car. "Hey Sandy how have you been?" Trent asked. "Pretty good. Everyone's really excited to see you guys." "Everyone?" Gwen said skeptically. Sandy grimaced and said "Well. Some more than others." They went inside and everyone exclaimed as they entered the kitchen. "What happened to your hair Pasty?" Duncan asked. Gwen laughed and said "Same thing that happened to yours."

Courtney came up behind Duncan and put a hand on his shoulder. "Gwen." "Courtney." The tension was almost palpable. Duncan and Trent stared at each other, wondering what to do. Dacky went over and plopped Oliver into her mother's arms. "Gwen this is Oliver." The two women were quickly distracted from their fued when Oliver cooed at them and smiled. Duncan and Trent sighed and made their way into the kitchen. "Alright everyone's here! Suit up." Geoff called. Everyone got their suits on and made their way down to the beach.

The sun was setting, and the beach looked beautiful. Ian sat with his parents until someone threw water all over his head. "Gotcha!" Carly called. "You're dead!" Ian yelled, chasing after her. Izzy kissed Owen and giggled. "What was that for?" Owne asked. "Because I love you." Izzy said. Owen hugged her as they looked at Ian laughing, sun lighting up his orange hair. "We did good." Owen told his wife. She nodded and said "Come on! I want to find a shark!" She pulled him to his feet and took off towards the ocean. And like always, Owen was right behind her.

Leshawna was rubbing sunscreen on Harold's back. "Don't you think you've put enough on?" "Uh uh. No. You remember the last time we went to the beach?" "Yeahhhhh." "Carly! You need sunscreen!" "I do not! The sun is going down!" "Yeah that's still 20 minutes to burn your little white behind! Now get over here!" "Fine." Carly wandered over to their blanket and plopped down. Leshawna went to work on her back, moving her flaming red hair to the side. "You're going to get burnt to a crisp if you don't get sunscreen on." "Yeah yeah." "Carly have you ever built a sandcastle?" "Nope. This is only my second time on the beach." "Boy do I have something to show you."

Trent and Gwen were sitting under the umbrella together, Gwen with sunglasses and a sun hat. They were watching Leah and Sandy chase each other around in the water. "Can't believe they're still together." Gwen said. Trent smiled at her and said "We met when we were about their age." "Yeah I guess you're right. It doesn't even feel that long ago." Trent smiled and said "Time flies when I'm with you." Gwen still couldn't believe Trent could make her blush after all these years. Leah came over to them and lay down, exhausted. "Hi honey." She was getting so tall as she grew, definitely taking after Trent. "Hey. Man it's nice out here." She said. They knew that their daughter was not made for the big city. But luckily for her, Trent had gotten a new job. "I'm glad you think so. Since we're going to be moving here." Trent said. Leah gasped and said "No way." "Yes way." Gwen told her. Leah hugged them and said "Oh my God. This is awesome!" They laughed at her enthusiasm. "I'm going to go tell Sandy. Hey Bratface!" She ran off in pursuit of her girlfriend and her smiled as she left. "How did we survive so long without her?" Trent asked. Gwen shook her head and said "No idea."

Geoff and Bridgette were standing in the water. Brandon was dipping Oliver's feet into the water, making him gurgle and kick his feet everytime he did. Sandy was catching a wave, and she paddled over to them when she was done. "Do you want to hold Ollie?" Brandon asked her. She smiled and nodded as Brandon passed Oliver over to her. "Do you want to surf with your Aunty Sandy?" She asked him. He flashed her a toothless smile and giggled. Bridgette put her arm around Geoff's waist and said "I can't believe we're grandparents now." Geoff kissed her on the cheek and said "I think it's pretty cool." Bridgette smiled up at him and said "I love you." "I love you too." They were finally at ease, with nothing to worry about but spending time with their children.

Later that night, the teenagers were out in the deep water. Dacky and Brandon were cuddled up on his surfboard. Leah and Sandy were in a deep discussion about their future on hers. Ian and Carly were trying to push each other off of Izzy's board that she had lent to them. They both hit the water with a splash, making everyone laugh. Once they climbed back on Sandy sighed and asked "Did you think this was ever actually going to happen?" Carly laughed and said "Hell no. But I'm glad it did." Dacky smirked at her and said "Aren't you glad I made you leave?" "Yeah yeah whatever delinquent."

"I'm glad we left. There's so much I wouldn't have if we hadn't." Brandon said. "Me too." Leah said. Sandy leaned up and kissed her, making Brandon gag. "Oh whatever. I see proof that you two have had sex every day." Sandy said. "Oliver is not just proof that we've had sex." Brandon argued. "Where is the little guy?" Ian asked. "Bridgette is watching him. She loves that kid." Dacky said. Brandon smiled at her and said "She sure does." Ian looked up at the moon. He had been diagnosed with multiple personality disorder, but was doing much better now.

They were all much happier than ever. Although they still didn't like being apart, they loved their families. And their families loved them. After everything they'd been through, they were finally home.

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