Chapter 38: A New Friend

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I woke up to the smell of bacon. It took me a minute to remember where I was. "Morning." Mom said, walking through the living room with a cup of coffee in hand. I sat up and rubbed my head. "Morning Mom." "You're Dad's making breakfast and I figured we could meet up with your friends for lunch?" "Yeah that sounds great." "Ok. Cool." Turns out my dad is a really good cook. I used my parent's phone to call Sandy. "Hello?" She answered. "Hey baby, it's me." "Hello me." I laughed at her dumb joke as usual. "How are your parents?" She asked. "They're cool. It's weird, you know. All these years I've pictured what they looked like, what they acted like. And now that I've met them and they're totally different from what I imagined, it's strange." "Yeah. We've had a strange life." 

"Indeed we have. Hey my Mom said we should all grab lunch together." "Awesome. Do you guys want to meet us at the Museum?" I covered the phone with my hand and asked "Hey can we meet them at the museum?" "Sure!", my mom called. "Yeah we'll meet you there." I told Sandy. "Ok. See you in a few hours ugly." "Bye bratface." I hung up and saw my Dad giving me a weird look. "Oh. Dacky and Brandon were being gross the other night and I made her promise that we'd never be that gross. So we aren't." My Dad laughed and said "You are your mother's daughter." 

I borrowed some of Mom's clothes yet again, and we all got in Dad's car. The R.V. was parked out front and everybody was already waiting outside. "Do you guys want the grand tour?" I asked my parents. They said yes and I showed them through the R.V., which has become more of a home to us than the mansion ever was. I showed them the very front, where we drive it. Then moving back to the kitchen, and further back to the living room/ Brandon's bed. Well. Now it's pretty much just the living room since Brandon and Dacky started dating.  Then there's a tiny little hallway, with Carly's bed above it. On one side there's the doors to Ian's room and Dacky and Brandon's room, and on the other side there's the bathroom and Sandy and I's room. "This is a really nice place you guys." Said my dad. "Thanks man." Said Brandon.  

I noticed it earlier but now it's even more apparent. Something's wrong with Brandon and Dacky. For starters, Brandon is way less energetic than usual. Usually he'd be bouncing off the walls. Dacky hasn't said a word all morning. And she's been hanging on Brandon this entire time. Usually it's the other way around. I'll have to ask them what's wrong later. "What do you guys want to eat?" Mom asked. "Hamburgers." Ian and Carly said at the same time. "Wherever we go needs to have vegetarian options." I said automatically.

Sandy smiled at me and I felt a weird fluttery feeling in my chest. "Ok. There's this one place that has awesome hamburgers and other stuff. And it's a roller skating rink."  Said Dad. Everyone agreed and I went to get back in my parents car. Sandy pulled me aside and gave me yet another mind boggling kiss. "How are you so good at that?" I asked. She winked and said "It runs in the family. Thanks for thinking of me butthole." I laughed and said "No problem gorgeous." I pulled her close and marveled at how amazing she always smells. "I thought we weren't supposed to be gross." She mumbled from against my chest. "We can have one gross moment a day." "Deal."


We decided to go roller skating first. I'm really worried about Dacky. We have to wait a couple of weeks before she can take the test, and it's going to be a long couple of weeks. We're both really scared. I mean, we're only sixteen, we're going to be on the road for at least a few months, we have no idea what's going to happen after those few months, and she still doesn't want to find her parents if she's pregnant. 

"Come on." I said, holding out my hands. She shook her head. Everyone else was lacing up their roller skates, but Dacky and I were still sitting at the table where we set all of our stuff. I sat down next to her and she rested her head against my shoulder. I grabbed her hand and we sat in terrified silence. She put a hand on her stomach and said "Your baby might be in here." I smiled and said "You mean our baby." "Nope. If I have to give birth to it you have to raise it." I laughed and put an arm around her. "We'll be ok." I said. "I know we will. It's our possible baby that I'm worried about." 

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