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He lured me into his room,
Said that he just wanted to talk.
Being young and naïve,
I believed him.
After all, he was no stranger.
My senses were finally awakened
By the click of the lock.
At that point,
I knew something was utterly wrong.
I ran to leave,
But his tall frame guarded the door,
His rough, calloused hands,
Shoved me onto the bed.

Minutes went by as hours,
As the tears rolled down my cheeks,
Followed by muffled screams.
The weight of his body kept me in place,
As I tried to fight back.
But my efforts were to no avail;
There would be no escape.
I was forced to stay still
While he stripped me
Of the thing I valued most:
My dignity.

He threatened to hurt me
If I told a soul.
Being stupid and afraid,
I kept my mouth shut,
And did well to hide the bruises
As well as the ever growing pain
That I had been harboring up inside.
I was a good pretender;
Some days I even convinced myself
That it had never happened,
That it had merely been a bad dream,
But truth was... it was eating me alive,
Spooning my insides out one by one.
Thoughts raced through my head
Day and night,
Was this my fault?
Why do I feel so guilty?

I still can't escape it,
I can't escape you.
Even after scrubbing my skin raw,
Trying to wash the events
Of that night down the drain,
I can still feel the ghost of your
Sickening hands lingering on my body,
Pinning me down,
The look in your sinister eyes
Gazing down at me, hungry for sin,
The sound of your crude words
Echoing in my head
"It won't hurt a bit, this is what you wanted."
Lies. I never asked for any of this.

You were right...
They would never believe me.
After all,
They trusted you,
I trusted you.
What sickens me most,
Is the fact that you actually think
That what you did was okay,
That it was what I wanted.
None of that was okay.
You robbed me of my childhood.
You cannot justify what you did.

It kills me,
Having to see you everyday
With the events of our last encounter
Etched into my brain.
I fear they will never leave me.
How will I ever escape this?

-Disclaimer: I wrote this poem in the viewpoint of a little girl. None of the events in this poem were out of any personal experience.

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