repulsive memories

19 4 0

I'll never forget the feeling
Of your hands
On my waist
Or your skin against my own.
And that's the issue...
I want to forget it.
All of it.
I don't want to recall
Any feeling of you whatsoever.

Even after we split
I tried convincing myself
That I didn't regret any of the things we did;
That I would forever cherish those moments
In my mind.
I was wrong. Utterly wrong.
I want nothing more
Than to strip them from my memory.
To cut them from out of my skull.
Someone, anyone,
Just rid me of them.
The guilt of what we did,
the shame I feel,
I can't outrun it, I can't escape it.
I gave so much of myself to you,
My mind, my soul, and my body.
My body is relentlessly fighting to get the feeling of your touch out of its midst;
To remove all memories of you

I long to forget it. All of it.
Your lips upon mine.
Your hands on my thighs.
Your legs between my own.
Take it. All of it. Keep those memories
All you like. Just let me be free of them.
They're worthless to me now.

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