sad truth

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you never loved me;
and that's the truth.
as much as it hurts,
it's true.
you loved the idea of me,
of being able to say that I'm yours;
that you have someone.

it wasn't fair to me,
all the countless nights
of no sleep and tear streaks
on the pillow,
the muffled sobs
and the bloodshot eyes.
because of you.
you left me cold and alone with my thoughts
every. single. night.
and oh how dangerous that can be.
you told me you loved me,
but oh how wrong you were.
you never loved me darling,
and that's the sad truth.
you may have cared for me,
of gaining my affection,
but you did not love me.
you were merely fascinated with
the idea of me.

i know it's hard to accept,
but it's the truth,
and I'm trying
to make peace with it.
after all, what more can i do?

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