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He will be my downfall,
The thing that ends me;
Killing me slowly from the inside out.
A drug that I am unable to get enough of.

I run back to him. Every. Single. Time.
Unable to live without him.
Willing to do whatever it takes
To get another hit.
Another dose.
Just one more.

His smile is the Amphetamine
Running through my veins,
That keeps me up at night.

His attention is the Hennessy
That makes everything feel okay;
The drug that calms me down.

His touch is the alcohol
That blurs my vision,
Plaguing my mind,
Consuming my thoughts.

You darling, merely just sit and watch
With a sinister grin on your face,
Knowing that you've got me falling for you,
With no intention whatsoever to save me
From your evil grasp.
Utterly cruel and vile.
So here I am,
Tripping on your attention,
Desiring more with no intention
Of ever slowing down...

You darling, are my drug. And oh how addicted I am...

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