your pawn

12 4 0

I see you there,
giving the attention
that you once gave me
to another.
How mere minutes ago,
That was me
standing across from you,
your eyes glued upon me,
your attention mine alone.
The same words
rolling off your tongue.
Slick and smooth,
surely well practiced.
That same seductive smile
I had received just minutes ago,
is being thrown to another.
The way your eyes
keep their gaze upon her,
probably have her
feeling the same way
I did.
The quickening in my heart,
the fluttering in my stomach,
the warmth spreading
throughout my cheeks.

Am I really just another pawn
in some sick game of yours?
I don't take it lightly to being used. Especially when I see you
doing the exact same to another.

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