deadly comparison

25 4 0

Here you stand looking
Strong and put together ,
No emotions slipping through,
How you keep it all together,
Never a tear from your eye,
Or a glimpse of sorrow
To be seen.

I fear you have raised the bar
too high for me
My love,
For unlike you,
I am a bowl of emotions
With jagged cracks
Covering the sides,
Visible for all to see.
A mixture of tears and emotions
Slipping through at any given time.
No matter how hard I try
To keep them at bay,
They always find a way of seeping out.

The expectation of being like you
Is a knife in my core,
For i know that it is killing me,
Slowly and painfully.

I am unable to be like you;
To cover my feelings and thoughts
As if they never exist.
I fear that you will view me as weak
And pitiful,
A hurt animal needing help.
If I show that something isn't right.
I fear to burden you with my pain.

How do you hide it all so well?
Are you even human?

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