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A.N. This is just a poem about toxic people in general. I'm not trying to single any person out.

Seeking attention,
Feeding off of any ounce
That comes your way.
Your words
Full of poison,
Ready to be released
Whenever you feel threatened.

Sitting on your phone
All day, everyday.
Not willing to miss the chance
To judge another human being.
Scrolling through the latest posts and pics,
Being sure to leave trails of negative comments
Wherever you see fit.

Your friends don't see it,
But I do;
How utterly manipulative you are.
You fool them by pretending
To be a nice, supportive friend
Who is always there for them.
The thing is,
When they succeed,
You don't support;
You put down.

I can see right through you.

The only friendships you have
Are ones that benefit yourself.
All until they threaten
That precious ego of yours.
And when they do,
All of a sudden
You want nothing to do with them.

All you care about is yourself.
You. You. You.
When will you learn,
That the world doesn't revolve
Around you?

That's the thing about you:
You're toxic.

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