not fair

22 4 0

It's not fair.
They have you in their lives
While I don't.
All I need is a father.
Someone to show me love.
But not just anyone.
You're supposed to be there for me,
To guide me through my problems
And hurts,
To be that shoulder I need to cry on,
The one to be my rock; my stability.
I need my father back.

Why aren't you here for me?
Have I done something
To become undeserving of your love?
Having to go through the grueling hours
Of hearing them talk about
their perfect families,
Of the picture perfect relationships
they have with their fathers.
I hate it. I can barely stand it.
I hurts that I don't have the same.
I'm sick and tired,
Trying to pretend like you don't exist,
You may not be in my life anymore
But that doesn't mean
you aren't still on this earth.
You are;
Living a life that I'm not apart of.
I hurts.
I miss you,
But yet I hate what you did
so much.
I could never hate you
But I hate what you did.
What made you do it?
What made you walk out on us?
Were we not good enough
for you to stay?

I'm just a young girl
in need of her father.
When you left,
You took my security, my safe haven
Now here I am,
A thousand miles away from you,
Insecure, and unsure of myself.
Trying to find the affection
I lacked from you in others;
Trying to feel wanted from someone.
All I need is you.

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