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"You sure you can't stay for dinner?" Savannah fixed her earrings and moved her hair over her shoulders.

"He's picking me up in a few minutes. And he's never late," she pulled Raven in for a hug, "you better take my advice, honey."

Lorelei placed the last dish on the table, as Papa Colt walked in, rubbing his belly, "I haven't smelt something so fine in a mighty long time."

He spotted Savannah and walked over, "I was just leaving, Paps. I'll come over soon for some chit chat, right?" He smiled at her, as she headed onto the balcony, waiting for her ride.

Savannah was having an affair with the reigning mayor of the town, and their relationship wasn't a secret to much. Well except to the mayor's wife, everyone had assumed.

"Let's dig in, shall we? I'm starving," Papa Colt pulled a seat at the table. Raven went in search of Hallie, and found her in her room, combing her doll's hair.

"Come on, darling. Aren't you hungry?" Hallie placed her doll onto her bed and walked over to Raven. She stretched her arms for him to lift her.

"Please?" She begged, and he had to oblige, "thank you."

Raven took her to the table and placed her to sit down on the chair next to his. Lorelei looked between the two and smiled. It's quite a bond that they're already forming.

"Lorelei, thanks for cooking such a lovely meal. I wish I could've been of more help," Lorelei smiled shyly and waited for Raven to sit before she did.

"It's not your job to know the ins and outs of the kitchen, sir," Papa Colt almost snorted.

"Damn, right, lad. You ain't know a spoon from a ladle in there, yeah?" Raven huffed in his seat.

"Raven, can you take out my stew?" Hallie lifted her plate, her lips pouting. Raven's eyes softened.

"Sure, darling."

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