Chapter 1

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~*Rebel's P. O. V*~

"No...." Alex mumbled as she stared wide eyed into the distance.

"What's wrong?" I asked, terrified of the answer.

My breathing was going faster than a bullet. What could've happened? Alex began crying out of control and quickly hung up.

"What happened!?" I demanded.

"Th-they got in a c-car accident. They're a-at Saint Phillips h-hospital," she stuttered through tears.

"Are they okay!?" Allie pleaded as she shot out of her seat.

"R-ryan, Devin, J-josh, and Ricky are. But A-ang and...Chris...." She trailed off before she covered her face with her hands and cried.

"IN THE TRUCK! NOW!" I shouted.

Everyone ran out the door and into the car. Jess held Brandan due to Alex being hystarical. God I hope they'll be okay....

~*Angelo's P. O. V*~

It was dark. I could hear people screaming. What's going on? I wanted to move but I couldn't.

"ANG!? CHRIS!?" a familiar voice screamed.

It was Balz. What's wrong? Then I remembered.


Chris was driving us all back home in the expedition back home. I was sitting in the passenger seat, Balz, Ryan, and Devin were in the middle seats and Rick was in the very back. They were all having a very loud conversation with each other.

"You look tired. Up late with Brandan and Alex?" I asked Chris.

"No. Up with Alex. Brandan was asleep," he answered.

"What were you too doing?"

"Having sex," Ryan randomly joined in our conversation.

"Ryan," I said irritated as I turned to look at him.

"What!? Not only do they BOTH look like they did, I could hear them MORE than once," he defended.

"Chris!" I shouted in a disturbed tone.

"What?" he answered shyly.

"You had sex a week after having a baby?" I asked.

He rubbed his neck with his hand and turned his head away awkwardly.

"Trying to make Brandan numero two," Ryan teased.

"Shut up," he hissed at him.

We came to a red light and the car came to a hault.

"Any plans for today?" Balz asked in attempt to change the subject.

"Just hanging around with Alex and Brandan most likely," Chris said.

"I think Em and I are going somewhere today. Not sure where though," I added.

The light turned green and the car began to move forward. About half way across the road, Ricky hollered,"LOOK OUT!"

All I saw was Chris turning the wheel as fast as he could and all I heard was the sound of a truck horn and a loud crash.


I could feel a person trying to pull me out from where ever I was.

"We got him!" a strange voice announced.

"Get him in the ambulance! You two! Get the other one!" another voice said.

I was laid down on what felt like a mat then had a strap wrapped around my chest and my legs. I kept slowly moving my head side to side attempting to escape the darkness over me to see what was happening. Finally, my eyes opened slightly and I could see everything. I realized I was on a stretcher being wheeled off. Our expedition was crushed on the right and side with shattered glass all around it. There were three ambulances, people scattered all around, and a LOT of shouting.

"Ang! Can you hear me?" Ricky asked as he sped beside me.

"What....what happened?"

My head tilted to the left and I saw Chris fastened down to a gurney as well. His face and head was dripping blood and it was clear he was unconcious. My eyes fully opened and I yelled,"CHRIS!"

I attempted to get up but was stopped by both the straps that held me down and a paramedic that pushed down on my chest, making me stay.


My calls did nothing. He didn't even flinch. I was then pushed in an ambulance with Ricky and Balz crawling in beside me.

"Is he okay!?" I asked panicing.

"Yes. Calm down. *YOU'RE* hurt too yah know!" Balz said.

I didn't realize until I looked at myself that my already red shirt was stained in blood but I didn't feel pain until I moved my right arm.

"Ow! Fuck!" I complained.

A paramedic shut the door, pounded on the side of the wall and the ambulance took off with the sirens blasting loud.

"Is Chris okay!? Is he!? I gotta know!" I comanded at the man who unlocked the straps that held me down.

I sat up straight but got pushed back down by the other male.

"Sir, you need to stay down and be calm," he instructed.

"No! That was my best friend in the other ambulance! I gotta know if he's okay!"

I kept flaring around, ignoring the excruciating pain in my arm.

"!" I yelled as I pushed the paramedics off me.

"Ang! Stop!" Rick said.


Right as I was about to get up from the stretcher, a sharp object was stabbed into my good arm. I tried to see what it was until everything began to blur. I then realized someone put a needle in my arm and I had been sedated. I landed back on the gurney and faded in darkness.

Love Will Kill Us All-A Chris Motionless/Angelo Parente Love Story #3Where stories live. Discover now