Chapter 17

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~*Chris' P. O. V*~

Everyone has been helping Ang and Rebel pack and move things over to their new place for the past two weeks. In those two weeks, Alex pretty much never spoke. She hardly eats or sleeps. When she does sleep, she just wakes up from the exact same nightmare. I have to follow her back and forth from our room to the couch almost every night and the whole thing is *MY* fault. I was downstairs in the kitchen with my face in my hands thinking about how I can fix this, Alex was upstairs in Brandan's room. I wonder they're up to....

~*Alexandria's P. O. V*~

I've been trying to sleep for hours but I couldn't find it in me to do it. I got up, went to the bathroom, and searched through the medicine cabinet until I found an Advil PM bottle.

"This'll knock me out," I thought to myself as I re-entered Brandan's room.

I swallowed two pills then laid back down. Thirty minutes or so passed and nothing happened.

"Fuck it," I mumbled to myself as I took two more.

What could happen? More time passed, still not tired. Instead of taking two pills, I took four. Time continued to cycle as I continue taking the Advil until everything around me started spinning and I saw everything in doubles.

"How many of these did I take?"

My thoughts sounded like an echo as I flipped the cap off the bottle, letting it fall to the floor, and tried dumping out the rest of the pills in my hand. It was completely empty.

"Shit,"I murmured.

I tried to stand up only to fall back onto my bed.

"Chris!" I tried to shout only to end up a subtle whisper.


Before I could finish my call for help, my surroundings went black.

~*Devin's P. O. V*~

Kylie and I were in our room when we heard Brandan crying. I knew Alex was in there so she was probably taking care of him. A few minutes passed and he still continued crying.

"Why is Brandan still crying? He usually only cries for a couple of seconds then stops after someone gets him. Is Alex in there?" Kylie asked.

"She might be asleep. I'll go check," I said.

I shut the door to our room and went into Brandan's. He was laying down in his crib crying and Alex was asleep on her old bed. She hasn't been sleeping a lot so I wont wake her up. I picked up Brandan and tried to ease him. He was finally calm again and I said,"Alright buddy. Let's get you back to bed."

I placed him back in his crib then looked at Alex. She looked....different. It concerned me a bit.

"Al, you okay?" I asked as I shook her arm.

She didn't respond.


Her arm was freezing. I looked at her from head to toe and realized her skin was freezing but her face was sweating and her color was sickly pale. Now I was worried.

"Alexandria," I continued to repeat.

I stepped closer to her and felt myself step on something circular. When I lifted my foot up, I saw a lid on the floor.

"What?" I questioned quietly.

That's when I noticed something in her hand. I snatched it from her loose grip, realizing I was holding am empty Advil PM bottle. All the pieces came together.

"Shit! CHRIS! ANGELO!" I shouted.

Angelo came running in then stood in the door way.

"What?" he asked.

"I think she O.D-ed!"

His eyes grew wide and he ran to her side, put his hand on her forehead and examined her.

"WE NEED AN AMBULANCE!" he hollered.

~*Chris' P. O. V*~

"CHRIS! ANGELO!" Ghost shouted.

What does he want? I wasn't in any mood to get up, I'm sure Angelo can help him with whatever he's calling about. I stayed in my seat in the kitchen in the silence until I heard Angelo yell,"WE NEED AN AMBULANCE!"

I immediately jumped up and ran upstairs. Both him and Ghost were in Brandan's room and Alex was sprawled out on the bed.

"We need an ambulance FAST.....My friend over dosed," Angelo said into his phone.

No....not my Alexandria.

"Okay, PLEASE hurry!" he pleaded then hung up.

"Put her in the shower," Angelo instructed.

I quickly picked her up and ran into the bathroom. I turned the shower on then held her in front of me and let the shower head spray her face. Moments later her head turned and she started coughing from the water in her throat, then weakly crumbled into the tub. I sat down behind her and held her close.

"Good girl. Stay with me now. Don't you leave me," I whispered as I moved her wet hair out of her face.


We were both soaking wet by the time sirens blasted down the street. I carefully stood up, pulling Alex with me then carried her down the stairs, out the front door. Before I stepped off the porch stairs, Alex quietly said,"I love you."

I kissed the side of her head then continued my way across the lawn to a gurney that was stretched out at the end of the driveway. I laid her down on it then two male paramedics strapped her down and dragged her into the vehicle.

"You related to her?" one of them asked.

"She's my wife," I responded like the first time except this time, it was true.

When they gestured me to come along, I jumped in and the doors shut. The ambulance took off and the paramedics got to work. They unstrapped her and started hooking her up to an I.V., checking her heart rate, and blood pressure. I sat there in silence while holding her brittle hand until she faintly asked,"Chris?"

"I'm right here," I said, squeezing her hand.

"I'm sorry," she apologized.

"No, I am. God, I'm such an idiot."

She tried to hold my hand tighter, I smiled at her a little.

"You're going to be okay. Stay with me. I'm not letting you go."

She was about to respond but she fell unconscious once again.

"Don't let go," I whispered with tears in my eyes.

Love Will Kill Us All-A Chris Motionless/Angelo Parente Love Story #3Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora