Chapter 27

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Author's note: Thank you to the very lovely @MetalFreak2 for the band suggestions! <3

~*Angelo's P. O. V*~

Everyone stood backstage as we watched Upon this Dawning(Author speaking: This band was chosen by @TheRebelEmilyPlague AKA Rebel/Emily!). Alex had put a pair of headphones on Brandan so the loud noises wouldn't mess up his hearing. Most parents wouldn't think of that. Hell I sure didn't but Alex is smart that way. After their set, they quickly got off stage and tech guys began setting up for Pierce the Veil. After them it was Vampires Everywhere!, then finally us. Chris and Alex stood near the wall holding Brandan, Ricky and Ryan were sitting on spare amps tuning up their guitars, and Ghost was tuning his bass while talking to Balz. Rebel stood beside me, holding my hand.

"Ready for your set?" she shouted.

"Almost," I yelled back then squeezed her hand.

Brandan started making noises, directing my eyes to him. He was reaching out in my direction.

"Want to see Uncle Angelo?" Alex asked him.

He smiled and continued to lean towards me. I walked over to her and took Brandan in my arms.

"Hey bud," I said to him.

I walked back to Rebel and we both looked at Brandan.

"He your's?" Luca asked loudly, due the drums being tested on stage.

"No, he's theirs," I said, motioning my head to Chris and Alex.

"Oh God," Rebel complained as she rolled her eyes.

I turned around to see Alex's arms braced tightly around Chris' neck and his hands firmly gripping her sides as they made out with each other.

"Well he's adorable," Luca complimented then ruffled Brandan's hair.

He smiled at him then Luca vanished to find the rest of his band mates. Soon Pierce the Veil was on, we watched them while Al and Chris continued to make out like monkeys. The shit they do in front of their kid concerns me....

"Great set guys," Ricky told Jaime and Vic as they stepped off the stage, sweating like hell.

"Thanks man," Jaime replied.

"Hey little guy, what's your name?" Vic asked Brandan.

"Brandan," Rebel answered.

Brandan reached his small hand out to him which made Vic and Jaime laugh a little.

"I didn't know you had a kid," Tony said as he stepped up behind them with Mike.

"We don't. He's the love monkeys' spawn."

She pointed at Alex and Chris, making them all laugh at the fact that they were sucking each other's faces off in front of their three month old son.

"Alexandria and Christopher standing by the stage. F-U-C-K-I-N-G!" Balz shouted at them.

They quickly pulled apart in embarrassment.

"Don't call me that!" Chris yelled at him.

We watched Vampires Everywhere! run out on stage and start their set. Alex finally took Brandan back then continued to watch the show with Chris standing beside her, both of them with an arm around each other.

"Thank you guys so fucking much! You were awesome! Goodnight!" Michael shouted into the mic then stepped off stage, followed by his band mates.

All of us began getting ready to go on. Everyone adjusted their ear pieces, drank a lot of water, made sure they were tuned, and did whatever to shake their nerves off. Finally, it was our turn.

Love Will Kill Us All-A Chris Motionless/Angelo Parente Love Story #3Where stories live. Discover now